Crying in my room for hours.

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                              Y/N'S POV
Its the end of school and now. I'm walking home I couldn't find Robin. when that happens I go to the park. and start to write all my feelings from the day. but when I get there I see Robin and another girl holding hands. they're both smiling and laughing at each other. and then they kiss. my heart sinks down all the way to my feet, and then skips a beat. I run away before they can see me. little did I know I dropped a paper that was written with all of my feelings for Robin. but I ran away too fast to notice cause they were right behind me.

                          ROBIN'S POV 
as I'm walking with Maria I see a folded page of paper so I pick it up and It said ...........

     Dear robin, I love you so much. I'm soo glad you're my boyfriend . and when you called me hermosa, and preciosa, mi amor, and bonita those were the most special moments.I love when you talk to me in Spanish its really cute and nice. I never wanna leave you. and I don't think I can ever survive without  you.  you are my world, you mean everything to me. I love your hair when it's down and when it's up I love every single feature about you. and if  we ever have to go apart I will love you no matter what. and you need to know that I love you. and please never leave me, I need you in my life.  and no one will ever replace you, and I hope no one ever replaces me.and if someone does I will try to accept that. but it will take a long time to process. I love you so much please stay with me. and let's grow old together.      

~Love, y/n Yamada~   

"Why robin just why she showed all her love to you and you just do this you don't even like Maria what is wrong with you" i say to myself  Maria snaps me out of it as she rips up the paper. "there nothing to worry about anymore i don't even know why you like her she's an ugly ass rat" Maria says judging y/n.
"Yeah i don't know why either" I said guilty of saying that.

                                Y/NS POV
I was about to run to my room until i see a note on the table and it says....
Hey y/n sorry I'm gonna be at a party at Vance's you can come robins gonna be there so are Finn and Gwen and billy, love you.  ~Bruce~

Wow just as I thought it couldn't get any worse. now everyone's gonna be somewhere. and now I have no one. I slam my hand on the table crying running up to my room. I run in my room then cry into my pillow then I smell a familiar scent. "oh no it's robins scent from when he came over on the first day we met" I said to myself. I throw the pillow crying harder. I start throwing stuff across my room. now my room is practically destroyed. not like really but like my bed is messed up, and there's a lot of things on the floor. I sit on the floor with my knees pushed up against my chest. crying very hard,thinking about Robin and Maria. how they probably are having the time of their life at the party. three hours later it's 7:44 PM I hear the door open I ignore it I don't wanna go downstairs "hey y/n!! I'm home the party was fun wish you were there!!!" Bruce said excitedly as I refused to answer. He walks up to my room and opens the door
"y/n?-" "oh- oh my gosh are- are you okay y/n" Bruce said really worried. "Bruce does it really look I'm okay?"  I say with a shaky voice. Bruce hugs me, and picks me up ,and takes me downstairs, and sets me on the couch. "Oh my gosh how long have you been crying your eyes are so red" he asked worried.  "ever since I got home from school" i said in a shaky voice."oh my gosh y/n that's four hours you have been crying that's a lot I didn't even think your tears could last that long" Bruce said very worried. "Please tell me what happened every single detail" Bruce said still a little worried. I tell him everything and then he says "ok thank you for telling me but yes he was with Maria and they were being touchy with each other I thought it was weird he kept hugging and kissing her and putting his arm around her like he'd do to you I thought y'all broke up when I saw that."  1 hour later bruce helped me with my room, and put it back together and he told me to go to sleep and give my eyes a rest cause I wore them out from crying for four hours .

                                Time skip!!!!
I wake up with my eyes very sore so I grab some eyedrops and take a hot shower and get dressed into this

                             (change if you want)I walk with Bruce to school and walk right past robin to get to first period sadly my assigned seat was next to robin he sat next to me and tapped my shoulder I slapped his hand off of my shoulder a...

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                             (change if you want)
I walk with Bruce to school and walk right past robin to get to first period sadly my assigned seat was next to robin he sat next to me and tapped my shoulder I slapped his hand off of my shoulder as I raised my hand "mr Johnson please can I switch my seat next to Bruce please?" I asked. "Like for a new assigned seat" he asked."Yes please it's just because robin keeps pushing me"I said barely looking at robin "ok sure, and robin stop pushing y/n" Maria squeals as she moves over to robin. Then Bruce whispers to me  "thank you she was  so annoying" we both giggle. and work until class is over. then in the hall robin try's to talk to me. but then I push him  away from me and he falls. "damn I'm actually that strong i didn't even push him that hard." I say to myself. "damn did I get stronger? ,or did he get weaker?." he was about to punch me then I was like "whoooaaa buddy not so fast." I grab his wrist and put his fist to him then a crowd of people come over to me and Robin. "why are you hitting yourself" "stop hitting yourself Arellano I thought you were better than that" "better than what" Robin said with a bloody nose. "Better than to leave your girlfriend for a girl that's just gonna manipulate you to do whatever she wants"  I said as everybody was saying "ooooooh" to Robin. "You just lost a fight to your ex girlfriend. wait until I tell everyone that didn't see this fight that you lost to a freaking girl", I said confidently walking away.

                          A/N SPEAKS!!!!!

Hiii y'all very sorry this chapter is 1,172 words long but it's worth reading love y'all ❤️❤️❤️❤️😘😘😘

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