but finn i think i like her that way.

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Y/n's POV~
I turn on Texas chainsaw massacre as I rush to sit next to Gwen.  but then Finn gets there first so now I have no excuse. so I have to sit next to robin. a few minutes pass and there's a jump  scare. I squint my eyes and cuddle up to robin. but then i pull away quickly cause we just met the hell why did I even do that.  then the movie ends my eyes get heavy so I cuddle up to robin again and lay on robins shoulder and dosed off .

                          ~ROBIN'S POV~
"Um what do I do? Y/n passed out on my shoulder, But I don't wanna wake her up though, might as well just go to sleep too"
i said to myself as I fell asleep. I


wake up with y/n not next to me  but i see her in the kitchen with Gwen. While  Finn still sleeping so I wake him up. "Nooo 5 more  minutes". "Oh hey Robin good morning" Finn  said in a sleepy voice.  He was about to go to the kitchen with the girls but i grab his wrist  "hey, no please stay". "I- i need to ask you something". "Ok tell me what is it?" Finn said still tired. "Ok I know I just met Y/n but i think I like her more than a friend is that bad?"  I said with full regret. "Oh robin, this always happens" Finn  said sighing. "Wait- what are you talking about?" I said confused. "You know what never mind, but why do you feel like that if you were being such an asshole to her, that's not showing that you care or like her" "but Finn i think I like her that way". "Yeah you think, you don't know, but I'm gonna go in the kitchen with the girls."

~Y/n's POV~
Robin walks in to the kitchen with Finn and I ask "hey what were y'all talking about" I say curiously "Um. Nothing loser get out of my business" he said angrily. "uh ok someone in a bad mood" I said laughing."Im not I'm just tired" robin said in a calm voice "ok then" I say with a smirk. Then Gwen makes pancake's, eggs, and bacon. Then robin asks "hey y/n u wanna go to the grab n go with me?" "Sure I'll go just let me get changed"i said. I shower and get dressed in this

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And then this hair and makeup

                   And then this hair and makeup

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And then after that we go to the grab and go to get slushees I get cherry and Robin got blue raspberry. "eww what the fuck you got cherry, cherry sucks" robin said laughing. "well blue raspberry tastes like literal shit so whatcha talkin bout". "whoaaa you know what shit tastes like that's a little weird" he said laughing. I laughed so hard slushee came out of my nose "eww what the fuck Y/n, you're more weird than I thought" he said laughing. I looked down at the floor as I felt embarrassed was I really that weird? He tapped my shoulder "hey you alright why you looking at the floor" Robin said softly. "oh it's nothing I'm fine" i Said  frowning. we walked back to the house and  I sat next to Robin facing the other way watching a movie then suddenly I feel a person crawl up behind my back.

  Hey, loser.   Enemies to lovers ~robin x y/n Yamada~Where stories live. Discover now