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~Y/n's POV~

"Hey what you watching" Robin said weirdly. "I'm  watching a movie please get off my back I feel uncomfortable"   I said.
"oh sorry hermosa" Robin said embarrassed. "what does that mean" I said confused. "It means loser" he said sarcastically."oh, by your tone it didn't sound like loser" I said smirking. "Shut up loser" Robin said embarrassed as he got up off the couch and left. I shrugged my shoulders as I just watched the movie for a couple more minutes. After the movie ends I go check on Robin because he didn't leave yet, or maybe he did and I didn't notice? I know Finn and Gwen left because they didn't wanna get in trouble by their dad for staying too long. but robins uncle doesn't really care. I go upstairs to my room to see Robin passed out on my bed listening to my favorite song on my boom box. it was
MY BEST FRIENDS GIRL   by the cars.  I sit on the other side and start drawing the picture on my Kate bush  poster on to my sketchbook while singing it quietly. Then robin wakes up "hey how long have you been here?"Robin said in a sleepy voice. "Why is his sleepy voice so hot? ew y/n you weirdo,"I said to myself .
"Um for like a hour after the movie ended  I think" I said to Robin thinking. "Oh, well I'm just gonna go"... he said pointing to the door. "Only if u want me to stay I won't go" he said kinda quickly. "No, you can go it's ok but thank you" I say with a smile. "Oh okay bye then see you y/n" Robin said turning off the song from my boom box. I smile as he walks out of my room then frown "I should've told him to stay" I tell myself.   I hear someone walk in the house saying "y/n I'm home!" "It's Bruce!" I say to myself.  I love Bruce I never want to be without him. I run downstairs and hug him and ask him "hey how was it at Vance's?" "It was good, how was your sleepover?" Bruce said smiling. "It was good" I said smiling also. Bruce was about to go to his room but I ask him
"um, bruce hey can I ask you something?"
"Yea what is it" bruce said smiling. "Um do you know Spanish?" I asked "Yea a little why?"  Bruce said confused. "Robin called me hermosa do you know what that means?" 

I knew what It meant but I didn't wanna tell her cause she  never told me she liked Robin that way so I simply said "um no did you ask Robin?" "Yea but he said it meant loser but the way he said it didn't sound like it meant loser" y/n said  moving her feet side to side slowly. I feel really bad not telling her but I still I decide not to tell her.  So I just simply say "well I don't know". She says "ok" and we both go to our rooms. I'm in my room just feeling so bad cause I didn't tell her but I just decide not to think about it and sleep it off because me and Vance were playing video games all day we forgot to sleep.

                         ~Y/n's POV~
I get in my room knowing Bruce lied of course I knew he knows that word but I just decided not to think about it and shower and get into comfortable clothes I change into this

                         ~Y/n's POV~I get in my room knowing Bruce lied of course I knew he knows that word but I just decided not to think about it and shower and get into comfortable clothes I change into this

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                        (Change if you want)
                           And then this hair

                        (Change if you want)It's 7:30 so I decide to go to sleep  cause I barely got sleep last night cause I kept waking up with nightmares  about this guy driving a black van and taking me

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                        (Change if you want)
It's 7:30 so I decide to go to sleep  cause I barely got sleep last night cause I kept waking up with nightmares  about this guy driving a black van and taking me. But then I fall asleep peacefully still thinking about what hermosa means.

                                Time skip!!!
I wake up to the sound of Bruce blasting music from downstairs, I don't know what song I think it was EBONY EYES by Bob Welch. I think it was to wake me up. I get up, and brush my teeth, and shower. getting dressed into this

                        (Change if u want)                   And this hair and makeup

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                        (Change if u want)
                   And this hair and makeup

                      (Change if you want) after I got ready the music stopped I walk downstairs and there's a plate for me in the kitchen with a note next to it it said

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                      (Change if you want)
after I got ready the music stopped I walk downstairs and there's a plate for me in the kitchen with a note next to it it said...                           

"Dear y/n, sorry for leaving again Vance wanted to hang out again and you can hang with your friends today also because it's Sunday and I know you have to go to school with me tomorrow any way love you y/n have a great day"
                           ~Love Bruce,~

I smile and eat my breakfast  and I walk over and pick up the house phone and call Gwen, and she answer's.  "hey y/n what's up?"  "Um is Finn home?" I asked.  "yeah let me put him on the phone" Gwen Said "FINN GET YOUR LAZY ASS UP Y/N WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!" Gwen screamed. "sorry about that  he's just so lazy here you go" she said giggling. "Hey y/n what's up" Finn said in a sleepy voice. "Um is robin free to hang out sorry it's just I don't have his house number" I said, guilty for Gwen yelling at him just for me to ask that. "No, don't feel bad it's ok it's (I'm making up a number In the movie they never mentioned to the house numbers) "ok it's 1(800)-593-4598" he said still sleepy. "ok thank you Finn your the best" I said smiling.

              (Kind of a Long chapter sorry 😬)

  Hey, loser.   Enemies to lovers ~robin x y/n Yamada~Where stories live. Discover now