The office

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I get there and then she gets there. we see mrs Maxie reading the story and it looked like she finished. Then she looks up at us. "oh I was gonna call Aaliyah to my office so come with me Aaliyah" she said as she's walking her to a room. A few minutes pass and it's my turn. Mrs. Maxie walks me to the room and I see Aaliyah from the corner of my eye storming through the halls. she looks mad. " sit wherever makes you comfortable" she said sweetly. "Don't worry you're not in trouble I just need to talk to you because I could tell Aaliyah was not telling the whole truth and she was covering up her tracks." She said.
"Ok sounds good" I said. So she asked me about elementary, and I told her the whole truth.
then I said some details that I didn't put in the story cause it was too much. Then she told me she will get expelled and won't come back here any school year. I think she will have to move to another state because other than this school there is no other middle school. I walk out of Mrs. Maxie's office smiling
And get back to class


I walk out of school with a smile. everyone looking at me and recording me but I couldn't give one care to look back. I walk home and I see alondra walking on the other sidewalk crying. I cross the street and get to the opposite sidewalk. "Hey, why are you crying what's wrong?" I asked. "Juan's moving away because her stupid sister got expelled from your school." She said sniffing. "Oh my god, I totally forgot Juan is Aaliyah's brother I feel so bad but I can't do anything about it now" I said to myself. "Oh I'm so sorry,  you wanna get ice cream to cheer you up?" I said I hugged her. She nods and I walk with her to the ice cream shop. When we get there we encounter Aaliyah and Juan. "Juan!" Alondra squealed. She ran and hugged him he hugged back and he kissed her on the cheek. She smiled wide and looked then Aaliyah with a dirty look. We finally got out ice cream alondra and Juan got cookie dough on a cone  Aaliyah got vanilla on a cone  cuz she's a basic bitch, but I got cherry sorbet  in a cup. Me and Alondra leave and head to robins house

     Y/NS POV

We get home alondra finished her ice cream and I have one last bite left I eat it and enter the house  but robins not there I hear a weird high voice upstairs it sounds like a girl there's music play upstairs I hear the beats to it and some of the voice I assume it's bad girls by Donna summer. "Sorry he does this a lot when he's alone when he sings alone he sounds like a girl and he plays songs that are with a funky beat it's a thing he does" she said laughing.  I start laughing and I go upstairs and open the door. He stops dancing and singing and turns back and his eyes are wide and his face is turning red. I start laughing again and so does he. I walk up to him and put my hands on his shoulders and he holds my waist and we kiss then we hear a camera click and we feel a flash. we look to the side and see alondra hiding in the corner giggling. we look at her and smile and ask to show us the picture and it looks like this...

 (Just pretend it's what your wearing and what robins wearing and y'all's looks  you know what I mean)

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(Just pretend it's what your wearing and what robins wearing and y'all's looks you know what I mean)

Alondra gives us the picture and smiles. we shake our head and smile while looking at it "a hopeless romantic robin" i said. "Wait who?" He asked. "Your sister, I was like that too I would take over a million Polaroids of my mom and dad when they  hugged or kissed, I have all of them in a box, but I never went into that room because that's the room they... never mind" I said wanting to shut up.
"They what? Y/n come you can tell me" he said. "That's the room they died in" i said tearing up.
"Omg y/n, I'm so sorry" he said pulling me into a hug. "It's ok, they died in a good way they didn't die like how you probably thought, they did in their sleep no explanation" I said. "Oh ok that's good then" he said. I agreed with him then I went home.

  Hey, loser.   Enemies to lovers ~robin x y/n Yamada~Where stories live. Discover now