She didnt ruin my life, she ruined me

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I roll off my bed and get up. my stomach has a little slight pain, but not as bad as last time. I didn't eat anything cause I don't have an appetite for anything. I'm just laying in my bed thinking about random things. I Turn my head to the right and see my personal notebook that I write about people. such as robin, Finn, Gwen, Maria, and other people. My friends are good things, but I most write about people that I hate. the only person I never had the energy to write about is Aaliyah. I grab my notebook, picturing all my trauma with her in my head and think how I'm gonna put this together in a story. I start biting my pen cause I'm scared if I write this what if it gets lost like the robin one. and someone reads it and reports it to her and bad stuff will happen to me. I only got my fists and my tiny paranoid brain. I just remembered that I got robin, Finn, Gwen, bruce, and vance on my side so they will protect me from what's coming, because I gonna write this whole thing anonymously and print like about 20  or more of them and go into school extra early when no one's there, and put them in the girls bathroom and boy's bathroom, and stick some on walls of the school. And then Aaliyah and I have science class we have a project we have to present on our computer and project it on the screen for DNA. But I'm gonna change Aaliyah's hard drive and put my hard drive that has recording of her physically punching me and hurting me in elementary and everyone will see how she really was and is. Let's watch her life get ruined. everyone likes her right now because they think she's a sweet innocent little girl, but the truth will come out sooner or later. And that sooner or later is tomorrow. Everyone's gonna know who she Really is then she will see how it feels to be hated by everyone and laughed at because she never experienced that cause she's popular but that will come to a end. Im not dong this for attention, I'm doing it for my own good and to stop hiding her real self because she won't reveal it so I will. Before I do it I call all of my friends and tell them what I'm gonna do. But I didn't call Maria cause she's not really my friend. and she's friends with Aaliyah, well,  not for long though. then I tell Bruce he thinks I should spill every single thing because he remembers everything too. When I called all of my friends i told them to come over so we could talk about it,

So Robin comes first then Gwen, Finn, Vance, and Donna
(I know I haven't mentioned Donna in the story but let's just say Shes y/n's friend)
after they are all here I lead them and Bruce to my room upstairs Robin sits on my bed with me and the others sit on my couch that's in my room. then I start to tell them my whole story that I am going to write. " so when I first met Aaliyah was in 3rd grade." "She was the new student, and I gave her a warm welcoming, but she ignored me." "I didn't think much of it because maybe she's just in a Bad mood." "Then the next day I started talking to her and saying hi being nice and all that." All I asked was "do you wanna be friends?" "And she slapped me across the face and said.. "no! I already ignored you yesterday as a sign I didn't like you and didn't wanna talk to you! I have many friends here and you are not one of them so leave!" "So of course I left,." "I told the teacher but she didn't care and told me to sit down" then when it was dismissal I ran out the door and I rushed to get outside." "but then Aaliyah grabbed the back hook of my backpack and pulled me back." "you really thought you were gonna get away that easy?" She said laughing "My heart beat was pulsing very fast and my body went cold." "I looked terrified." "you think That just cause I slapped you that I'm gonna leave you alone? Ha! You must be joking" Ha! Look at her face! She looks terrified!" "I assumed it was one of Aaliyah's friends" "Aaliyah then slapped me across the face again but she did it to both cheeks four times."
"then I pulled on her pretty pink dress and ripped it." "and shoved the fabric in her mouth." "how that dress taste princess?" "After that she tried to yell at me but I laughed and walked out of the school with My cheeks still red and throbbing." "Yup, that's my girlfriend alright" Robin said interrupting my conversation. "Really robin?" I said rolling my eyes. He kissed me then Gwen gagged and said "ew guys do that on your own time" everyone started laughing and so did I. "So after that day she never messed with me again, or so I thought." "When fourth grade came along she still did nothing since I was on vacation, but when I came back for fifth she was more furious than before." "She wouldn't stop eyeing me in class and it made my anxiety kick in so I asked to go to the restroom." "When I got in the restroom I heard a voice say "thinking about skipping huh? No, you know what you did and you're gonna pay for it." " I'm not gonna go easy on you anymore" I walked out of the stall and said
"what? are you just gonna slap me with your stupid hand again? go ahead and try you don't scare me." She charged at me and I grabbed her wrist and twisted it the other way and smiled "thought I was weak huh? I'm not 7 anymore." I said as I watched her cry in pain as I twisted the other wrist "come on woman use your feet or are you too tired?" I asked smirking. I think her foot was meant to hit my shin but I used my other leg and she fell. "Fuck you Yamada" she said loudly. "Wanna try when them wrists heal or u wanna keep going? I asked "by the way go ahead and tell the principal u wanted to start it so I finished it, plus she can't call my parents cuz I don't have any, and if I get suspended you'll be doing me a favor cause I don't wanna do work." I said smiling and I walked out the bathroom when I thought that was it no, there's way more. why do u think I wear over sized stuff All the time?" I lift my shirt up "there's past bruises that won't heal and I don't know how to get to rid of them." "there's 5 past bruises that she punched me really hard and they're still there" robin touches them and hugs me "im so sorry she did that u didn't deserve that at all" he said as he kissed me on the cheek and I slightly cry. everyone gets up and hugs me. After the sad moment everyone asked what she did to my stomach. "Ok so It's fifth grade now and ever since that day I felt confident no one would mess with me so I started wearing crop tops i I don't know but my elementary school didn't have a dress code for some reason, anyway I was walking in the hall with my friends and then they left to get to their class and I head to mine but then Aaliyah stops me in my tracks looking at me super mad I raise my eyebrows and look at her up and down." " she punches me in the face and my mouth is bloody." "I get super mad to see blood is dripping on my blue crop top and blue  cargo's." " I tried to punch her but she dodged it and pinched me in the stomach super hard 8 times i felt my breakfast come up and threw up on her hair." "She started screaming and running to the bathroom."  on her way there she kept saying "fuck you Yamada" over and over. "I went to the other bathroom and cleaned up I looked at my stomach and my stomach looked red."  " my stomach was throbbing and inside it felt like I could feel my intestines wanting to burst out of me." I didn't think much of it until Aaliyah Did this every day but worse." "
"she would leave my face  bruised up and I'd have to go home like that everyday."
"I've finally had enough so in the morning I go to the principals office and I report her."
"the principal was so nice to me so she let me go home with an excused note for my teacher."

(Finn and Gwen were not in the story because they were on a trip but you did know them in 5th Grade)

" the next day I came back and my friends ran to me super happy.""Omg Y/n!" My friend aria squealed. "Aaliyah got expelled!" My other friend Lilliana squealed. " I was surprised and happy but then my friends would notice the blackish purple bruises everywhere around my stomach when I wore crop tops, so they took me to the mall and bought me a ton of oversized clothes."  " I have to wear this now? I like it it's cute!" I said. "I admire all the clothes they bought me." " aria and Lilliana  were such nice friends, I thought I'd be with them forever, But they had  to move to Florida" "I was devastated, then a few months later bruce had two tickets to Georgia." " I said yes and we left Denver Then I came back here" "and I met all of you for the exception of Finn and Gwen then everything was fine until she came here to ruin my life again." "And that's my whole story. good thing I wrote all this down while telling my story, it's a long page" I said showing it to everyone. "Wow y/n you have such good handwriting" Gwen and Finn said. "Thanks" I said. ""So I have something to show you guys" I said. " so you know the science project we had to do on DNA and we have to present it on computer? " I asked. Everyone nodded "ok so I'm gonna show you a little video of her hurting me in elementary, this is how I got her expelled from elementary." I said. I put the flash drive in my laptop and everyone gathers around my laptop. The video finishes and out of nowhere I look at the time and it's 8:44. everyone leaves except for Bruce of course bruce leaves my room and I fall asleep smiling.

  Hey, loser.   Enemies to lovers ~robin x y/n Yamada~Where stories live. Discover now