why do i feel like this?

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                             Y/NS POV
why the hell did I kiss Robin wait, no he kissed me what was that for I  wasn't expecting for him to just kiss me out of the blue.  although it was kinda nice I guess, I'm gonna go talk to him.

                        ROBINS POV
I kissed y/n i didn't mean to I just couldn't take it anymore it's just her laugh her smile her outfit damn that girl got style  and the fact she was wearing a bandana right there I knew she did that cause of me. Gosh  i love her so much.  "why do I feel like this?" I think to myself
Y/n  walks over here and asks "hey um why did u kiss me over there in the bathroom?"  "Ok y/n I'm just gonna give it to you straight"
i say nervous as hell. "y/n ever since we've met I loved everything about you your smile,
your laugh, your style, and your personality everything about you is perfect and i just need you to know I will always be here for you and i love you so much."  "So y/n Yamada  will you be my girlfriend?" i said embarrassed. "Yes, yes I would love to" she said smiling wide. she runs up to me and hugs me I hug back. and Gwen shows up again i swear  this hyper ass hamster won't leave me alone gosh.  "OMG FINN COME NOW!!!" Gwen yells.

                           Y/NS POV
"Gwen have you ever heard of  privacy it's a thing" I said burying my head in robins chest
"Sorry y/n I didn't mean to interrupt your *gags* moment we will leave"Gwen said gagging. "will they ever learn what privacy is?"  I said asking Robin "I guess not" Robin said laughing  he puts his arm around me and we walk to the cafeteria when we get there we see Gwen and Finn smirking at us we roll our eyes and sit next to them Gwen starts raising her eyebrows at us as Finn starts doing it too "oh my fricking god!  Can y'all Stop that already!"  I said as I raise my voice at them. "Ok god...."  Gwen and Finn said rolling  their eyes at us. I roll my eyes as I rest my head on robins shoulder. "hey mi amor~ what's wrong?" he says putting some hair behind my  ear. "I'm hungry"I say frowning. "uh hold up I think I have a protein bar in my bag somewhere oh,here it is here you go" he  Said  smiling. "thank you"I said hugging him tightly. "ooooh robin and y/n sitting in a tree K.I.S.S-" "Gwen one more time,one more time and I swear i will tell BILLY WILLY  you like him!"
I say laughing as Gwen turned red. Billy walked over here and asked "uh I heard my name?" "Oh sorry I didn't mean to make you come over here it's just cause if she didn't stop joking around I would tell you the most embarrassing thing about her" I said giggling "ok well see you Gwen" he said smiling at her Gwen blushed so hard as he walked away "god I hate you y/n" she said blushing and running to the bathroom I finish eating the protein bar and Finn asked "hey y/n can you go check on Gwen after billy left she ran to the bathroom can you go check on her please?" Yea sure I said as I ran to the bathroom to see Gwen and billy..... *gasps*

                 (Short chapter sorry 😬)

  Hey, loser.   Enemies to lovers ~robin x y/n Yamada~Where stories live. Discover now