The Polaroids.

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I get home and Bruce is alone watching tv. "Uh hey Bruce?" I said. "Yes?" He said. "can you come with me to our parents old room?" I asked. "Sh- sure Wh- why?" He stuttered. "Because I want the box of Polaroids I took of them when they were here" I said. "Ok sure only cause I love you" he said. I hold his hand tightly and our hands lock. Bruce takes a fast sigh and opens the door I smell the smell of floral perfume that mom used to use. and dads musky leathery and a tiny vanilla scented cologne he used to use. I hid Back the tears that I wanted to pour and walked in while Bruce stayed at the door covering his mouth and sobbing. I go in the closet and see moms old clothes from when She was a kid that she never passed on to me cause I was 8 at the time and she used those clothes at 13 I take all of those clothes and the box that said "juntos" which means "together" and a box that says "watashitachi" which means "us" which could probably be other Polaroids. The reason why one of the boxes said A Spanish word and one of the boxes said a Japanese word is because my mom is Mexican and my dad is Japanese. so Me and Bruce are both mixed with Mexican and Japanese.
after that me and and Bruce  go to a table and we look at all of the Polaroids we start crying as we see a family picture in the "watashitachi" box. after we finish exploring, Bruce takes the "watashitachi" box and I take the "juntos" box. I take thumb tacks that I have in my drawer and hang the Polaroids all around my room. And after, I get tired and fall asleep


I wake up and take a shower and look through the clothes my mom used when she was 13 and put this outfit together

I wake up and take a shower and look through the clothes my mom used when she was 13 and put this outfit together

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(Change if you want I know it's not like an old outfit but just pretend it is that why i say change)

Then I run downstairs to show Bruce "damn y/n is that moms old clothes from when she was younger? it looks good" he said as I'm modeling it. We eat then head out the door.

I walk in school and some people still record me during all the passing periods but do I really care? No cause they giving me attention so be it. I remember that the school dance is tomorrow and I'm so excited, I already bought a dress. I also got so many compliments on my outfit ima wear all of them clothes everyday the only thing I didn't like was people kept staring at my stomach then I realized that I had bruises from elementary and everyone knows that cause of the story I made. But I felt confident because those bruises are showing me that I'm not afraid anymore. and that I'm a survivor. so I was ok with it low-key.  I walk to find Robin walking by himself so I go to him and smile. "oh hey mi vida, what's up? Oh and I love your outfit" He said. " thank you, these are my moms old clothes from  when she was 13 she had nice style then, anyway I found all the Polaroids and put them all around my room" I said. "Oh that's amazing, I have to go to my class now see u later" he said. "See you" I said walking away


I walk home as I pass Aaliyah's house and see a sign that says "for sale" i flip off the house and smile. Then walk the direction to my house. I'm so excited to go to the dance with Robin I can't wait to see what he wears.


So my chapters are gonna be shorter because I wanna keep the chapters on topic so for this chapter "Polaroids" I want the chapter to focus on the Polaroids and not go everywhere so that's why the. Chapters are getting shorter.  ok that's it love y'all ❤️ enjoy the book 😊

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