gwen finally got a boyfriend.

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"GWEN!?"I yell as I see Gwen and billy kissing each other. Gwen pulls away and says "y/n! what was that for you scared me!".
"see how does it feel you did that with me and Robin so why shouldn't I do that to you" I say laughing. "sorry billy, I'll let y'all be" I said as I walk away laughing. I leave finding Robin waiting for me. "Hey Bonita" he said as he put his arm around me. I smile and walk with him to next class.

                               Time skip!!!
                             end of school
                              Y/n's POV
Robin walks me home in the rain with no sweater or jacket, I look at him with a
i feel bad look, he mouths I'll be ok just go. I walk in the rain and I see that black van again. it looks like the one from my nightmares. next thing you know the van hits me. and now I'm on the floor. Suddenly I feel someone pick me up. is it Robin? I don't know I can't open my eyes . I feel like I died. I slightly open my eyes, no one picked me up. I'm still on the floor and I see Robin still walking. I scream his name but I can't hear my own scream. and Robin keeps walking. I start crying then I wake up in my bed wearing pajamas. "huh it was a dream I don't remember walking all the way home and putting on pajamas" i say to myself. I hit my arm to make sure it's not another dream. its not, I'm awake and have no idea what's going on. I feel so weird i need Robin, I don't know what to do. omg what the heck it's 4:00 in the morning, but I don't wanna go back to sleep. what do I do? I start crying cause I have no one to hug me. I have Bruce but he's sleeping. but I mainly need Robin. Then I hear my door open it's Bruce I walk over and pull him into a hug, and quietly sob into his chest. I explain to him what happened and i ask if I can sleep in his room. He agrees, so if it happens again I can have comfort. I love Bruce he is the sweetest brother I could ever have. if he ever leaves me I will probably not survive without him. he is my world. I feel the same way about Robin too.

Time skip!!!!!
I wake up with Bruce and we both get ready and I get dressed into this

                                Time skip!!!!!                              MORNING I wake up with Bruce and we both get ready and I get dressed into this

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Then after I eat breakfast and then run out the door, bruce runs after me but I keep running. and run into Robin and almost fall but he catches me. gosh hermosa you need to be more careful sometimes, and love your outfit by the way, he said smiling.

  Hey, loser.   Enemies to lovers ~robin x y/n Yamada~Where stories live. Discover now