She came to ruin my life, again.

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~next morning~
I wake up then take a shower and get dressed into this

                 Y/NS POV             ~next morning~I wake up then take a shower and get dressed into this

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( Ik it looks like pajamas but just go with it lol )

I jump straight in my bed and read all three of the hate notes, the first one said... dear Maria, fuck you, you really have been in a relationship for three weeks, and you already cheat on me with Vance, I can't believe you, no wonder Finn warned me, you're such and asshole, I hate you. -robin.
Damn Robin, that was not dry at all I guess that really hurt him, anyways the second one says...
dear Maria, now you really wanna apologize after what you did, not my fault Vance cheated on you,I told you he was a player but you didn't listen, and I don't feel bad no one likes you anyway.
Ok, that was ok but the last one was harsh, ok the last one says...
dear Maria, go away stop freaking asking me to get back together, you already chose too freaking leave me so leave me alone go find someone else but someone who's just like you. -robin. " Ok, Robin I see you. But still why didn't he send these to her? Was he scared or something?" I said to myself as I head downstairs. then when I get to the table Bruce hands me a bowl of cereal and smiles. I eat it and head out the door with him. I see Robin walking with Finn and they're laughing, I do a slight smile and lay my head on Bruce's shoulder as we are walking.


We get to school and I walk past robin and I make sure he's not looking so I find Maria and stop her in her tracks, "oh hey y/n" Maria said smiling. "Hey, Maria this is for you, they're old hate notes from robin, you can read them whenever ok, bye!" I said then I run into Robin, "hey what were you giving Maria?" Robin asked. "Um answers to the math homework" I said with a guilty smile. "Yeah, sure ok," Robin said giving me a side eye. "Hey where are my notes"Robin said. my face turned red when I heard him ask that, "uh-um, what notes?" I said nervously. "You know, the notes of Maria that I made a year ago" robin said doing a little smile as he sees my face turn bright red. I cover my mouth and run to the bathroom, when I get there I run into a stall and Throw up. I flush the toilet and wash my face, then I get out to see Robin standing there. Bruce finds me with no escape from robin so he goes and says "hey Robin, your uncle called, he said don't forget to pick up your prescription called  leave y/n alone" Bruce said smiling. Robin got out of my way and I walked off.

Time skip!!

I get to lunch and Maria gestures me to go to her table, I do this face 😬 and point to robins table, she nods and gestures me to go. I get to robins table and sit next to Finn cause that was the only seat left "hey y/n!" Gwen said happy.
I smile as I wave to her I look at Robin and he's still looking at me with "that" look I grab his wrist and I walk him to the corner of the cafeteria. "Fine, you wanna know the truth? Well I'll give it to you Robin Arellano, I. GAVE. MARIA. YOUR. NOTES" I said word by word. "Thank you, Yamada" robin said as he walks me back to the table. "Why didn't you give them to her huh you a chicken or what?" I asked Robin. "No, I just wasn't in the mood to give them to her that's all" he said. "Ok" I said. I get to the table then out of nowhere I see my worst enemy that used to be in my old school in the right  corner of the table next to us.  "Nope," I said as I grab my backpack and walk out the cafeteria. Robin comes after me "robin don't even bother" I said as I walk upstairs wanting to scream. I go to the janitors closet and lock myself in it and scream at the top of my lungs. Luckily the bell was ringing so no one heard me. After that I go back into the hallway.
Time skip!!!
    (Sorry to all the girls named Aaliyah I just came up with a name sorry 😞)

  Hey, loser.   Enemies to lovers ~robin x y/n Yamada~Where stories live. Discover now