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I hope y'all like this it's 2,413 words so enjoy
The police take me to one of the officers offices. I feel so bad just remembering y/n's screams and cries, All I was gonna do was explain. "So Robin what gave you the idea to beat up Finn? y/n gave us all of the information she saw and beating up Finn was mentioned. So what happened and don't lie" the police said. I swallow hard and clear my throat " so me and y/n broke up a week ago because I cheated, and ever since I've seen her with Finn a lot"I said not making any eye contact. " and when you saw y/n with Finn did you get jealous" the officer asks. "Yes very, so I went to y/n's house in the Morning, and go upstairs but then Bruce stops me in my tracks and says "I don't think you wanna go up there" and I asked him "why?" And he said "because you just don't"so I go up there and I see Finn and y/n cuddling, I couldn't take it anymore so I drag Finn off the bed and he wakes up I throw him down the stairs and then we start fighting each other" I said with my hair covering my face. " ok go on" the officer said. " so he punches me in the face and snatches my bandana off so I start punching his face really hard until he drops my bandana but he didn't he clenched it tight so I couldn't make him drop it so I punch him once more and he falls to the floor unconscious" I say with a voice full of guilt. " ok that makes sense because this was also some evidence we found" the police say putting my bloody blue bandana that's in a plastic bag on the table. " ok so tell us what happened with Bruce" the police said with a serious face. "So when we were like in the middle of the fight he came to break us up but I punched him in the face and then he passed out" "ok now, we need to know what you were going to do to y/n cause she was screaming cause she thought you were gonna do something" the police said very stern. " all I was gonna do was explain to her and try to work things out" " ok I'm sorry" the officer said laughing a bit. "Um ok so you wanted to work things out? why the heck would she want to date you again after you made her brother that's the only person she has in her life almost have a concussion? then you beat up her next important person in the world too?" The officer said with a shocked face.
"ok we're not gonna lock you up because there was no weapons involved in the scene, but never do anything like that, you really traumatized y/n, you can leave now." I leave as I make my way to the hospital we're Bruce and the others were at.

                                 Y/NS POV
"What about Finn, Bruce?"  I say nervously. "Um I don't know about Finn-"  Bruce said as he got interrupted by someone. " hey y/n," Finn said tired.  "it was Finn!"i said to myself. "Finn!" I kinda scream and run and hug him. Then someone walks in I peek from Finn's shoulder "it was robin!?!" I started panicking, I stop hugging Finn and hold his arm tightly, as robin looks at me and I look terrified. " hey you can't be here" a doctor said then she kicked robin out of the hospital.  I walk Finn to a chair and I sit with him. " so it turns out I had a brain aneurysm" Finn said. I cover my mouth in disbelief "no, Finn you didn't, no one has survived from that" I said shocked. "Yeah, that's what the doctor said, and surprisingly I have no memory loss, nor  brain damage,  it's so weird" Finn said surprised also. I smile and hug his side I look at his face it's messed up real bad his lips are busted, there's things blocking his nostrils which means they won't stop bleeding, he also has a black eye, and his face is purple in some spots where he got severely hurt. He smiles as he lays his head on my  shoulder   After a few minutes me, bruce, and Finn go home.

                                 Time skip!!!!!
I wake up with Finn  and we get ready he just puts on the usual outfit that he wears and I get dressed in this ........

                                 Time skip!!!!!                                   MORNING I wake up with Finn  and we get ready he just puts on the usual outfit that he wears and I get dressed in this

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  Hey, loser.   Enemies to lovers ~robin x y/n Yamada~Where stories live. Discover now