im sorry Y/n.

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                           Y/NS POV
I finish showering and get one of robins t shirts and I put on a pair of black shorts I had in my backpack that the weird man stole when I got taken.  I make my way  downstairs. "You look better in that shirt then me, you can have it" robin said laughing then a short girl with black shorts a black car t shirt, white socks, and a curly ponytail walks in and hugs me. "y/n! What happened to you?" She asked.
"yeah, Robin why didn't you ask that when I went to the door, at least your sister cares about where I have been" I say laughing and smiling at alondra. "well I got kidnapped by a man in a black van while I was walking here" I said not wanting to tell details."oh, ok well I'm glad you're here,Wanna come see my room
y/n?" Alondra asked. "Sure of course" I said as I look at Robin. I get out of Alondras room and sit on the couch with Robin until I notice my "robin❤️" bracelet is gone. "Oh and Bruce found this when you went missing" robin said smiling and putting the robin bracelet around my hand. Then I see him with a identical one that says "y/n❤️" i smile as I lay my head on robins shoulder. We almost fall asleep until I hear my favorite song blasting from alondras room it was MY BEST FRIENDS GIRL by the cars. I run up to alondras room and smile at her. I grab her hand and start dancing with her. Then robin comes in and looks at us with a "whoa" kind of look. "come on robin you know you want to" I said doing a smirk smile. " yeah, Robin do it for your girlfriend" alondra said smirking. "Ok then" robin said grabbing my hand and twirling me around. I get dizzy and fall on the floor laughing. We all start laughing at the top of our lungs until, we hear a knock at the front door. "It's Finn" I say to myself as I open the door. Finn hugs me as he walks in the house. I push him off as I walk to robin "don't go crazy he probably just wants to talk" I whisper in robins ear. He nods, "I'm so sorry y/n," Finn said with a guilty face. "For what" I asked. "So you know the time robin pushed me out your window?" Finn asked. "Yes," I said wanting him to get to the point. "Well yeah, i stayed on the edge of the window since robin closed the blinds, and I listened, everything Robin had said was true, and I'm sorry, I meant it as a joke, I wasn't actually going to do that, I had no idea what I would say to make you hate Robin, please I swear I won't do that again y/n, please forgive me," Finn said begging. Robin shakes his head, I do a frown and I feel bad. "Finn you don't have to be dramatic, we don't hate you we still love you, but just don't do that ever again" Robin said. Then robin picks up alondra and spinning her around in the air. Me and Finn smile at each other then at them "ahhh robin haha I love this" alondra said laughing. Robin laughs then sets her down on the couch then smirks at me "no, robin no I start running away Then robin grabs my wrist and picks me up and spins me around I start laughing then I hear the door open it's Bruce, "BRUCE!" I said loudly. Robin takes his grasp off of me and I run over to Bruce and hug him we hug for 20 seconds until we see that the others are gone. I go into robins room and see his amazing posters and I see the closet is still open from when I was changing but when I close it I heard something fall. It was a shoebox filled with 3 notes but all of them were about Maria 3 hate notes but I decide not to read them and slide them into my backpack I put the shoebox back and lay on robins bed then I hear a door open "hey y/n! We got u some snacks!" I heard someone yell. I run down and get the snacks from the others then me and Bruce leave.

  Hey, loser.   Enemies to lovers ~robin x y/n Yamada~Where stories live. Discover now