The dance.

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I wake up and take a shower, then I dress up my hair nice, and dress into this

                       (Change if you want)I smile while I walk downstairs to the smell of waffles, syrup, and chicken

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I smile while I walk downstairs to the smell of waffles, syrup, and chicken. I eat then I walk out the door smiling.


I get to school and hug robin and kiss him on the cheek some of the girls in front of us smile and some girls tease us, doing hand hearts like this 🫶🏽. We smile and get to class. After class we get through 4th and 5th class then we hold hands and  we walk to lunch together and almost every girl compliments us.


I sit at a table with Gwen Finn and the others everyone looks at us smiling and me and Robin hug and kiss and everyone says "aww" in a cute way. and Gwen is wiping fake tears "oh my gosh, my babies are all grown up" she said still wiping fake tears. Everyone laughs and I lay my head on robins shoulder  the whole lunch time and smile and cannot wait until after school at 6:30 pm.


I get home and it's 4:22 so I take a shower and get my hair and makeup done

I get home and it's 4:22 so I take a shower and get my hair and makeup done

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Then I get on my dress and shoes

        (Change if you want)Then I get on my dress and shoes

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   (Change if you want)By the time I'm done it's 5;44 so to pass time I paint my nails

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By the time I'm done it's 5;44 so to pass time I paint my nails

             (Change if you want)Then by the time I'm done with that it's 6:00 so me bruce, and his girlfriend walk out the door and his girlfriend drives our parents red Porsche 930 turbo to the school

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Then by the time I'm done with that it's 6:00 so me bruce, and his girlfriend walk out the door and his girlfriend drives our parents red Porsche 930 turbo to the school.

By the time we get there it's 6:12 and I wait 18 minutes and I see Robin get dropped off by his uncle. He walks over to me dressed into this

          (Actual pic of Robin actor: Miguel Cazárez mora)He walks to me and grabs my hand

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          (Actual pic of Robin actor: Miguel Cazárez mora)
He walks to me and grabs my hand. Then we walk in the school and head our way to the gymnasium. We get there and robin starts saying hi to everyone so I leave to go get punch for me and him. I get it and I give it to him we drink it and we start dancing to the music until one of my favorite songs comes on it's you belong to me by Carla Simon. "Hey robin, remember I was listening to this the first day of school and you took my headphones off and said I have bad taste in music? Well, almost everyone is dancing to this so I guess it's not bad taste" I said dancing. He smiles and dances too "I was joking this was one of my favorite songs when I was 10 but I was embarrassed to admit it" he said dancing too. A few more songs pass and the slow dance comes on I see Gwen and billy get with each other, then Finn and Donna, then I see Bruce and Valentina, then lastly Vance and Maria. Then robin and me we all dance to the song can't help falling in love by Elvis Presley. Me and Robin dance the slow dance and at the end of the song he kissed me. I love this day I don't want it to end after this 7th grade is over and this is it I'll see Robin again but it won't be the same. This was my best year and now it's ending. Me and Robin dance the night away. Then the dance ends then the dj announces that there is a after party. So we all get to our cars and Valentina drives me and Bruce there.


at the after party it's just a lot of snacks and sodas and stuff like that and more music I take a seat and eat some tacos and a sprite. Robin has the same as me and we start dancing again after. We dance until the clock hits 10:30 and the after party is done "so I guess this is goodbye" robin said hugging me.
"Yes I guess it is" I said. "Well i love you y/n i can't wait to spend summer with you" he said. "Yes Robin I can't wait either but until then I will miss you" I said. "Me too I will always think of you" he said as he leaves. "Hey, can I go to your place" I asked. "Of course"He said. Then we walk out of the after party with our arms around each other.

  Hey, loser.   Enemies to lovers ~robin x y/n Yamada~Where stories live. Discover now