The two secret admirers Part 22

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It's Valentine's Day! Yeep!


Y/N was coming back from work not knowing what day it was. Y/N went inside but was then approached by Edd. "Hay, Y/N this was in the mail for you!" Edd handed Y/N two envelopes then he walked on saying. "It's valentine's day envelopes from two people!" before disappearing into his room. Y/N looked confused for a second before pulling out their phone and checking the date, and it was the 14th. they sigh going up to their room and sitting on the bed holding the two envelopes in hand.

The first one had really good handwriting as they started reading the letter. (this is a very cringe poem)

"To Y/N
I am so lucky to have a valentine like you. Your smile brightens up my every day, And I cannot help but feel love in every way.

You make my heart skip a beat with just a touch, I am grateful for your love, it means so much. You are my rock, my support, and my friend, Together, our love will never end.

I hope this Valentine's Day is just the start, Of many more filled with love in every part. I promise to love you more with each passing year, My darling, you are the one I hold so dear.

So here's a kiss and a hug from me to you, I am forever yours, my love, that is true. Happy Valentine's Day, my dear sweetheart, I am grateful for you, now and forever, apart." (soooo cringe kill me)

Y/N giggled at the valentine's poem quite a surprise but liked it. They put the letter down before opening the other envelope. the handwriting was not that bad as this was not a poem but a long letter Y/N sighed before reading it.

"Happy Valentine's Day! Today is a special day, not just because it's the day of love, but because it's the day I get to express my love for you. I wanted to take a moment to tell you how much you mean to me and how grateful I am to have you in my life.

Every moment spent with you is a moment I cherish. Your laughter brightens my day, your smile warms my heart, and your presence brings peace to my soul. I love the way you care for me and always put others before yourself. You are my rock, my support.

As I write this letter, I am filled with so much love and adoration for you. I want to spend the rest of my life making you happy, and I will do everything in my power to make that happen. You are my heart and soul, and I cannot imagine a life without you.

I love you more and more each day, and I cannot wait to spend many more Valentine's Days with you.

Yours always and forever."

Y/N was surprised after reading the last one their face turning red realizing they had two secret admirers. they took some deep breaths calming down before getting up, putting the two letters on the bed, and going downstairs. "Hey, Edd do you know who wrote me those two letters?" Y/N asked him as he shook his head. "No, I don't. sorry Y/N." they sigh as they turn around to get back to their room Tom and Tord glare at each other but Edd told him to stop as Y/N turns back around.

"I almost forgot I'll be gone for two months to see my parents for the holiday!" they said before returning to their room. Tom and Tord were surprised as they didn't know about this but Edd knew in advance. "Wait so we won't be seeing them for two months?" Tom said surprised and confused. "Yeah, they want to spend time with their family, and they are forced to go."

Edd got up from the couch and went to go feed Ringo. As Tom and Tord frowned as they won't be able to see Y/N for two months.

you guys are killing me with this I cannot think of anything else so this is all you're getting for now. oh and happy valentine's day.

sadly I don't got one :( 

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