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PLEASE NOTE: In rereading this fic I realised I might not have been in quite the right mind while writing, lol. It's quite a mess, but I promise I'll tidy it up at some point and I promise the writing does improve! Anyway, enjoy.


It was the usual night of drunken debauchery. Freen had lived it in her younger years, but now it just seemed so frivolous: the mating dance, the courtship, the drunken sex in the cab to wherever. It's fun - when you're a kid. Freen has quickly discovered that being an adult ain't what it promised to be.

The bar woman watched from her corner of the countertop as guys took bets on which girls' numbers they could score. Lucky for them, a group of inebriated bridesmaids had just entered, all giggly and stupid. Freen never saw the appeal in the plastic boots and shiny excuse for a dress. At 5'6 Freen wasn't exorbitantly tall, but with the right pair of heels she towered like a goddess. This night in particular she wore the black skinnies and tank top to match, while her raven locks spilled wildly over her shoulders. By any standards Freen was stunning. However, as pleasing as she was to look at, as dangerous she was to get close to. She was trained in martial arts with an attitude that took no shit from anybody, and the short fuse to match.

After serving another asshole his 8th beer, Freen sighed deeply and casually scanned the room. Typical. No one interesting. On nights where Freen is feeling specifically wound up she often drags some prey home with her and makes sure they're gone before she even gets in the shower. Freen does not know what love feels like. She has never been able to fathom it, as if it were this mystical untouchable magical dust that floated around in the wind ruffling through lovers' hair. What an utterly mad idea. Freen wouldn't recognise it if love came flying at her like a bottle of Jack Daniels.

"A shot of Jack, please." Freen blinked at the bubbling girl that suddenly popped up in front of her. Her smile was bright and inviting, the kind that immediately disarms you. Her eyes were hazel, almost brown, but beautiful all the same. Her voice was melodic and sweet and she was just that slight bit too tipsy that she comes across as endearing.

"Nice try, kid. ID first." Freen obviously had a job she wanted to keep. Not to mention she could see an underage nong a mile away.

The other girl displayed what was possibly the most adorable pout Freen had ever seen. " Oh come on, I'm nearly there. And I've already been drinking with my friends all night!"

Freen eyed the crowd the girl was hanging out with and arched one sharp brow. "And which one will be making sure you get home fine?" None of them looked suitable to Freen's tastes.

"That would be Yuki. Don't worry, she's a good friend. I'm always safe with her." The younger girl slurred the tip of her tongue just slightly and it made Freen clench her jaw.

"Fine. Last one. And I'm serious, you're cut off." Freen displayed her best big sister vibe though she would never admit that she was truly a little concerned for the young one. "And what is your name?"

"Maybe you should come dance with me and find out..!" The girl grinned and teased as she backed away from the bar top, but not before sending Freen a not-so-subtle wink, stopping the fearless Freen dead in her tracks. "Nope " Freen muttered to herself. "Nope nope nope."

The rest of her evening was spent serving up the liquor and scanning the bar for that certain girl. She had lost track of her a few times but always managed to lay eyes on her again.

And it was good that Freen did.

All it took was two seconds and the drug had sunk to the bottom of her glass, the culprit bumping shoulders with her as he attempted to make conversation, all the while encouraging her to take large sips. Freen could see him reaching for the younger one's arm and swore she could break his wrist. It was when he pulled her close and her legs started buckling from the drug that Freen had seen enough.

"Jimmy, I'm out!" Freen shouted over her shoulder at her bar mate as she grabbed her leather jacket and forced her way outside. She didn't even bother listening to Jimmy when he threatened her with another written warning. He might as well use them as toilet paper - she should have been fired long ago.

When Freen heard the high-pitched protests from the alleyway, she knew immediately where the sleazeball had taken the girl. " Didn't your mother teach you manners?" Freen grinned and tried to sidestep the drunk so that she could close the gap between her and the younger girl, in case she needs physical protection. However, Freen was pretty sure she could take him with her eyes closed

"Bitch! Didn't your daddy teach you how to fuck?" He stabilised on his feet as he spat his words in Freen's direction.

"No, but your mom did.." Freen flashed a smirk and a wave of her brows that she knew would get the would-be perpetrator riled enough to lunge at her. It didn't take much effort to use his own momentum against him, as Freen easily slammed him face-first into the brick wall. He was knocked out cold.

"You call this safe?!" Freen suddenly unleashes after turning to face the younger girl.

"Honestly, I don't feel so well." The girl leaned against the wall outside the club after they had exited the alley.

"What is your name? And no bullshit this time." Freen's voice rose an unwitting octave.

"It's Becky." She groaned in response.

Freen walked over to the bouncer and shoved some cash in his hand, presumably to find said Becky's friends and inform them that she's going home. Freen reckoned they were probably too drunk to care.

It wasn't long before the cab arrived and Freen did her best to bundle a collapsing Becky into the back of it. The cab driver stared at her something awful. She didn't really care. "Becky, where do you live?"

"No! I can't go home like this! My parents!" Becky wines in a voice that was both annoyed and panicky.

Freen comically smacked her palm against her face. This girl is already more trouble than she's worth and Freen's not even getting as much as a kiss out of this. Not that she'd ever want to kiss a girl in such a state. It just didn't sit right with her. It's not what true consent is about.

"Okay listen, Becky... Becky, yeah?" Freen raised her eyebrows in question while Becky stared at her with a drunken haze and sugary sweet smile. "I'm going to take you to my place to sleep it off okay? Is that fine with you?" Always consent.

Becky didn't really verbalise her answer but with all the bobbing and then finally resting her head against Freen's shoulder, it was a clear indication where she would find herself that night.

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