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Becky turned around, flush up against Freen who had been kissing the back of her neck as she held her to the counter in the bathroom. They had locked the door and now locked their darkened eyes onto one another. The moment was as intense as it was spontaneous.

Their arms reached for each other with a lingering desire that needed to be quenched. Their lips drew close, but stopped just barely short of touching. When they breathed, they breathed each other and it was intoxicating. They both suspected that running from each other was not quite over yet, but in that moment the universe wanted them in unison, and so they were…

When their lips finally embraced it was with a primal hunger that they could not seem to control. This time it was truly Freen who had the upper hand in terms of positioning as she pushed Becky back against the counter that held three basins, her mouth never leaving the heat that it found within the younger woman. With Becky's back against the counter, Freen took hold of her hips and lifted her onto the cool surface with ease, then pushed her own body even further until she was nestled tightly between Becky's thighs.

Becky wasted no time in wrapping her legs around Freen's hips to hold her close, the burning in her chest and the agitation of her arousal driving her to tug Freen closer and hold her there by her fingers curling into the front of Freen's shirt. She repeatedly enveloped the dark-haired beauty's lips with her own, and wrestled with them ravenously.

Freen dug her fingertips into Becky's back and forcibly held her close, wishing she could somehow pull Becky within herself a she continued to make love to Becky's mouth, sliding her tongue through Becky's lips when she was offered the gap. She thought she might lose her mind when she discovered Becky's teeth tugging at her own lower lip.

The moan escaping from both of them in some melodic tune was suddenly interrupted and drowned out by a banging on the door of the bathroom.

"Hey! Whatever crisis you're experiencing in there, there's about the be a bigger crisis out here if I don't get to pee NOW!" A voice came both pleading and irritably from the other side of the door, causing both women to jump apart and immediately start tugging at their clothes and straightening out their hair as if they had been caught.

Freen grabbed Becky by the collar and pulled her in for one more chaste kiss before silently slipping into one of the bathroom stalls, allowing Becky to wash her hands and splash some water on her cheeks before unlocking the door.

She was thoroughly flushed, and with the wet streaks now on her face, it seemed like she had been crying. "I'm so sorry." She muttered and tried to move past the female colleague outside the door.

"Hey, are you okay?" The woman asked with concern as she observed Becky's damp cheeks.

"Oh yes I'm fine, don't worry. I just had to splash some water on my face. It's rather hot today, don't you think?" Becky tried to seem innocent but she was acting so sheepish that it even roused suspicion within her colleague.

"If you're sure, darling, then I'll excuse myself." The woman smiled and nodded before entering one of the stalls, leaving Becky to quickly exit the bathroom and return to her desk.

"If you're sure, darling." Becky heard Freen's voice mockingly in her ear some minutes later. The woman then plopped down in her own chair and scoffed, clearly agitated and now sulking. Becky simply raised one brow in question.

"If anyone ever calls you darling again, I might just break their fingers." Freen growled under her breath and it gave Becky wild butterflies in her tummy. Jealous Freen was hot as hell and Becky couldn't wait to soothe the frown on her face later that evening.

/"You're sleeping at my place tonight."/
The text chimed on Becky's phone, causing her to grin widely before hiding her smile again as she carefully held her phone close to her face.

/"Aren't you working?"/
Becky responded and put her phone down again, but it wouldn't be long until another message came through. Becky had to give it all she had to not look up at Freen's face.

/"So? You can wait for me in bed."/ Freen, however, did look over at Becky at that moment, the small smirk on her lips telling Becky all she needed to know to convince her.

/"You better be home before I fall asleep."/
Becky gave Freen a pointed look, silently telling her that she would be rewarded if she did.

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