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A date? Freen was effectively busy freaking out on her morning run a she tried to work out the logistics. And that still while she was mad with Becky. Even if it was a trivial thing, honesty is king. She rounded a corner with sleek and damp strands of hair flung about her face. In a white cap and sneakers, along with black tights and a running bra, she was easy to mistake for a sports model.

Becky thought the same when she saw Freen finally head her way. She had been parked on the sidewalk across the road from the entrance to Freen's condo. When Freen spotted her she quickly crossed the road and sauntered up to Becky. "This is stalking, you know?" Freen raised her brows, but took a seat next to Becky nonentheless.

Becky's sense were driven wild by the scent of earth, sweat and hormones coming off of Freen. It just did something to someone's animal instincts. "I brought you an iced coffee to apologize for last night. But please before you say anything... Last night, what happened, and the reasons thereof are very, very personal to me." Becky dropped her gaze and a tear slid down one unblemished cheek. Freen wiped it without thinking. "I will tell you everything, but it will take time. I need you to be patient with me."

It seemed like everything came together in that one moment: why she has the feeling to get to know Becky, because Becky needs someone that Freen wants to be.

"Will you please go on a date with me tonight?" Freen grinned every syllable through the words and grinned broadly once she had finished the question.

"I will..." Becky beamed back in all her beauty.

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