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Becky sighed and shuddered as Freen's lips attached themselves to her neck, slowly moving over her throat and up the one side, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Freen's hands were roaming up Becky's thighs where they were straddling Freen's lap and curving around her hips to tug her closer, wanting more than anything now to show Becky that she was serious - she wanted Becky to herself and she honestly would break someone's hand for her, just to make sure that hand came nowhere near what was hers.

Becky's fingers slid along Freen's arms, feeling the small goosebumps pop up from her skin at every inch, then found themselves curling into the fabric of Freen's vest where it rested on her stomach. She started tugging impatiently, showing that she wanted the piece of clothing removed. Becky wasn't quite sure whether she was ready yet or not, but she did know that after what had happened, she wanted to show Freen that she belonged to her. Becky was falling more madly in love with the other woman each passing day, even though she realised Freen was still fully capable of breaking her heart. However, she could not help herself.

Freen leaned her body up off the couch and into Becky's, trying to give her space to tug the vest up and over Freen's head. Becky discarded the top to one side and paused a moment to admire the body below her, Freen now seated in only her jeans and a grey bra with Becky on top of her. When she looked up into Becky's eyes, they were dark pools of emotion that exuded longing and lust all in one, which made Freen shiver. She couldn't believe that such a young one was stirring up so much within herself, causing her to lose so much control. She wasn't sure whether it was a good or a bad thing, but she didn't mind either way. She wanted to find out.

Becky leaned down for another kiss from the goddess below her, sliding her tongue gently along Freen's lips and coaxing them into opening to allow her entry. When their tongues met in a slow dance, both were seeing stars. Becky's eager hands wrapped around Freen's jaw and then moved down her neck before settling on her shoulders, running along the straps of Freen's bra. She broke the kiss to lean back again, breathless and tingling, just to admire the beautiful body beneath her with its glorious curves. Every inch of Freen seemed perfect and the desire to kiss her milky skin was driving Becky crazy.

Meanwhile Freen couldn't stop her own eager hands from wandering up Becky's body and coming to rest on the top button of her shirt. Her own dark eyes darted from Becky's swollen lips up to her eyes, silently asking for permission. Becky's head nodded almost imperceptibly to give Freen the green light before the raven-haired beauty started popping her buttons open, one by one. Before long Freen was pushing Becky's shirt from her shoulders, the woman in her lap shivering in anticipation.

Just as Freen went back to massaging her lips into a whimpering Becky's neck, the sound of a key in the front door suddenly broke their spell. Becky dove from Freen's lap onto the floor, furiously grappling for her shirt to try and cover up before Nam entered the condo. "Nice timing." Freen almost growled at Nam from where she was still seated and leaning back on the couch.

"How many times have we been over this, Freen? No fucking on the damn couch!" Nam shivered at the thought as she entered the room and closed the door, then eyed a glowing red Becky with a small smirk. "I'm glad to see you two sorted things out though. I tell you Becky, Freen's sulking has never been such a pain in my ass like the last few days."

"Nam! Can you not?" Freen ran a hand back through her hair coolly before taking her top offered to her by Becky and slipping it on again while Becky quickly went to work on fastening her own buttons. She had definitely never been caught in a compromising position, though she was glad it was rather still early in her and Freen's interactions. She didn't even want to imagine what would have happened  had they been naked.

"We're really sorry..." The blushing Becky squeaked out at Nam, though Freen just rolled her eyes.

"Oh sweety that's okay. How can I be mad at such a cutie?" Nam smiled widely at the younger woman. "Now, what are we having for dinner ladies?"

"Oh come on..." Freen groaned before pressing her tongue to the inside of her cheek and rolling her head to one side. "Seriously?" Though soon Becky gave a small smack to Freen's arm and a pointed look, causing Freen to sigh and reach for her phone. "Fine, I'll order us something."

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