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Freen was wiping the bar top clean as most of the customers have started filing out. It'd be closing time soon. And true to her word, little Becky sauntered up to the corner where Freen liked to lean on. "And you're still here." Freen smirked but would not show her excitement nor her nerves. Any other woman she would have switched on the charm right about now and would have taken her home, but this was Becky...

"So I'm an adult today, officially. Can I have my drink now?" Becky grinned and flashed an ID card.

"One on the house." Freen poured them each a fruity-flavored shot and slammed it back onto the counter. "Now for your real gift." Freen reached under the bar and pulled out a small box that was clearly wrapped at a jewelry store.

"Freen, I can't. This must have cost a..." Becky started but Freen quickly cut her off. "It wasn't expensive." She lied. "And it made me think of you, so here..." Becky opened the box to reveal a beautiful golden necklace with a charm that read "B" on it. Freen gently wiped Becky's hair from the nape of her neck, revelling in the soft, smoothness she found there. She had to stop herself from brushing her lips against Becky's skin as she fastened the clasp to the necklace.

Becky turned around again and Freen thought that it looked stunning on her milky skin. "Take me home..." Becky whispered as she leaned over the counter at me. She wasn't completely tipsy, so there was some genuine meaning in her words.

Freen stared at her dumbfounded. "I thought you refused to be a conquest." Becky's eyes glittered in what could only be described as naughty. "Who says you won't be mine?" Touche!

Freen had the biggest internal struggle of her life right then. The most beautiful girl she had ever laid eyes on was asking her to take her home, and yet it still felt wrong to her. Was it the age gap? Was it the alcohol? Was it the innocence of the lady before her that Freen couldn't bear destroy?

"Not tonight." Freen finally managed to force through her lips, even though it was the last thing that she wanted. "But I'll take you home."

Becky's brows lowered while her lips jutted just slightly. You could see she was pouting ever so slightly. Perhaps she wasn't used to being told no. Or perhaps that alcohol had clouded her judgement enough to realise that this was a bad idea. "Deal." She finally agreed, swallowing her pride. "But only if it's on that bike of yours. I love the adrenalin." Becky said with a grin.

Freen smirked in return and went about gathering her things. The last of Becky's friends had left a while ago and it was only her left now along with a few stragglers. "Come on then."

It wasn't until Freen could feel Becky's thighs clamped tightly around hers with her arms wrapped around her middle that Freen wishes she had just given in. The warmth of Becky against her back was secret and sensual and all she wanted was that feeling without the clothes between them. Becky, for her part, was comfortable on the back of the bike as it had not been her first time. What was her first time, however, was how tightly she was wrapped around the driver and it was sending shivers down her spine, Tingling all the way to between her thighs. This was going to be a long ride.

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