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"It's not what it looks like!" Becky ran after Freen as the taller beauty forcefully stepped to her motorcycle, helmet in hand and ready to be slipped on. She paused briefly to swing around when Becky grabbed her wrist.

"No, I did not just see you exit a private dance with a stripper. You're right." Freen spat and once again attempted to turn around.

"Why are you even so mad? It's not like there's anything between us!" Becky spat in return and it hurt her as much as it hurt Freen. And yet she would drive the knife deeper out of spite. "A different buffet most nights, Freen? Nam told me! At least I only look and do not touch!"

"You BEGGED me to take you home. Guess I was being just a little bit too respectful for your tastes!" And with those words she was on her bike with her visor shut, preventing Becky from seeing the dampness in her eyes. A little roar and she was gone.

Becky had nothing to do but call a cab. She spent the whole way home and softly sobbing into her wrists. This was definitely not the way she had wanted things to go with Freen. It was the exact opposite of what she wanted and now Freen probably wouldn't give her the light of day. She thanked the gods that be that the next day was a Saturday.


"She begged you to take her home?" Nam asked slowly at the kitchen counter the next morning when she saw her roommate look like shit.

"That's what I said." Freen agreed.

"She BEGGED you to take her home with you, and you said no?" Nam was incredulous. "Freen, this is what you do. Meet 'em, fuck 'em and forget them. Why the change of heart? Nam looked almost concerned as she poured Freen a cup of coffee.

" I told you before... This one is different." Freen shrugged.

"It can't be her looks or her body or her status or job or you would have dipped a toe in there long ago." Nam wagged her brows. These were the type of characteristics she went for.

"It's just... Her." Freen sighed. "Her eyes are always sparkling, unless she's sad. Then they become a dark mocha colour, pools so deep you can get lost in. Her smile could literally light up a room and heal a broken heart, especially with those dimples. Oh my god...those dimples..." Freen found, to her chagrin, that she was waxing poetical in front the of Nam and she knew what was coming.

"Take. Her. On. A. Date." Nam annunciated simply. "She's clearly not a conquest and you shouldn't treat her like one. For the first time in your life, Freen, treat her like a woman."

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