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"She likes it rough, you know. Clean broke a bed the one night!" Nam laughed at the memory but Becky seemed less amused. Why would the thought of Freen keeping multiple lovers bother her? Why would the thought of Freen even come up at all?

It was Nam. She was in the mood for the tea to be spilt. "She seems to like you, though. No one ever stays past about 5am."

Becky realised she needed to clear things up and waved her hands as she explained. "So Freen saved me and let me sleep it off here. I owe her more than my life."

Nam tapped her finger against her lip as she watched Becky carefully. The line between adoration and love was so, so thin.


"It's here somewhere, give me a sec!" Freen scrambled through the papers on her desk.

"And where're the previews for the pop section? Freen started breaking out in a cold sweat. "I just need five minutes, okay?" She finally snapped up at her boss - a markedly handsome man that the ladies around the office had quite the thing for. "Heng, I'm sorry." Freen raised her hands in gesture. She didn't mean to, though luckily for her the two of them were childhood friends, so he didn't take offense.

"See Freen, this is exactly why you need the help. I've already gone through the interviews." Heng nodded his head at his own prideful act, expecting Freen to fall on her knees and lick his shoes. It was sometimes difficult to tell with him.

"You did what? Without me? I think I should have a say at least!" Freen was fuming as they stuck to their standoff in the general office space.

Heng noticed the crowd they had drawn and rather ushered Freen into his office. "Look, you know I think you're phenomenal. But the work is too much for one person and you're falling behind. I hired a new girl, very bright, great education, sweet disposition. She might even get you to smile once in a while." He chuckled at his own joke but dipped his head low, almost like a puppy, to try and soften Freen.

It didn't work. She stormed out with the sound of the door slamming echoing through the office.


"Do you like Freen?" The question caught Becky completely off-guard as she straightened out the jeans and T-shirt Freen has left her.

"I don't know Freen. How must I like someone I don't know?" Becky frowned, but flashes of Freen kept flashing through her mind. She looked around at the apartment. It was nice, neat and tasteful. Becky loved it.

Nam watched as Becky contemplated the implications of what they have said. She knew it didn't take much for that spark to ignite, and she could see it in both sets of eyes.


"Freen, could I have a minute?" Heng asked tentatively as Freen didn't bother tearing her eyes away from her computer screen. "Speak." She mumbled.

"Well, I'd actually like to introduce you to Rebecca Armstrong. She is the one I told you about, coming to your rescue!" Heng hoped above hope that this would go well.

"Freen... Sarocha. This was completely unplanned." Freen reaches out her hand to shake Becky's.

Becky giggles. Truly laughs from deep in her belly at Freen's introduction. She takes Freen's hand and holds on just a little longer than necessary.

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