Epilogue 3

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A/N: Hey horndogs, this one is for you (again). It's pretty wild, so proceed with caution!

Also know I didn't proofread because I didn't feel like doing that to such a long ass chapter at midnight.

Anyway, drop a comment, give a like, and I'll see you on the flip side!

Hugs hugs


Freen watched Becky as she moved about on the dancefloor, swaying her hips to the melody of each song. She watched as Becky slowly moved over to one of the large speakers to the side of the DJ booth. She loved the speakers. She usually runs her hands along the soft material to feel the bass and drums. Currently Becky has her back leaned against the speaker, no doubt enjoying the vibrations.

Freen tried to pull her attention back to the booth with her company where she was talking business. Real business. Scratch has grown immensely in popularity and Freen has managed to accumulate enough money to look into buying another club. She shifted as her eyes were drawn back to Becky with her head tilted back against the speaker, her lips just slightly parted as her eyes rolled shut.

Goddamn, she was so sexy...

Freen finished up her meeting soon after, watching as a buff boy approached Becky, trying to dance against her. Freen smirked. He had no idea that he had no chance. Freen and Rebecca had grown into the habit of teasing each other as much as possible when they were hanging at the club. Their favourite was roleplay, and this night would be no different.

Freen shifted again as she discreetly tugged at the fabric pulled taught across her crotch. She remained seated for a while, one arm hanging off the side of the couch, while her one ankle hooked just above her knee. She was every bit the boss she was meant to be, and she loved being able to mix with her patrons and chill with her staff. And of course, play cat and mouse with Becky. Finally she stood and made her way to the dancefloor, slowly sauntering as if on the prowl.

Becky glanced over her shoulder and found Freen a few feet away. Becky had no idea what to expect, but it was exciting as hell. Their random game nights were some of Becky's favourites as there were many opportunities for surprises and the unexpected. It got her mad hot, which in turn made the sex even better. As Freen passed Becky, she gently slid her fingertips along Becky's hips so that the younger woman could shudder from anticipation.

However, instead of interfering with Becky and her Greek god, Freen found a girl to dance with right next to them. She made sure to find the girl that was everything Rebecca Armstrong was not. She took a tall, raven haired Thai woman with tan skin and hypnotic curves. She knew what she was doing; she was driving Becky mad with jealousy.

Becky noticed Freen's partner and could feel her temperature rise suddenly and annoyingly. Becky did get jealous easily and Freen's tricks were working. Becky was quick to playfully shove the guy about two feet away, just enough for her to turn around and latch onto Freen's back. Her hands slipped over Freen's hips to her lower abdomen as they started grinding to the music. Freen still had the other woman dancing before her, but slowly started turning around in order to dance with Becky. The woman eventually disappeared.

"Come here often?" Becky asked Freen as part of their roleplay. Freen simply shook her head and settled a small smile on her face. Her stare was intensely magnetic and easily drew one into the depths of one's own soul reflected in her beautiful brown eyes.

Becky did her best to dance up against Freen, her hands sliding from Freen's shoulders down to the waistband of her dark pants, where she hooked her fingers into and tugged her even closer. "The silent type, hey?" Becky tilted her head at Freen, suddenly preoccupied with her lips. Those lips didn't move, the smile only grew.

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