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Freen was there like a true gentleman to pull out Becky's chair for her to take a seat, before seating herself as close to Becky as possible.

"Thank you, beautiful." Becky's eyes shone over at Freen, a place they would possess for most of the evening at the restaurant. That was when she wasn't watching Freen's lips. Becky had never known that anyone could make eating and drinking look so goddamn sexy. It had been every moment that Freen's lips got caught in the snare of her own teeth. It had been every moment Freen's tongue pressed against the inside of the plump flesh that kept it inside. It had been every goddamn moment that Freen licked or sipped or sucked anything that touched her mouth. Oh how Becky longed to have been at the edge of that mouth instead.

"You must be looking at a mirror, then." Freen smirked back at Becky, reminding herself to keep cool and stay confident. She needs to channel the old, 'usual' Freen again for a change. She wasted no time in ordering drinks and food for the table after affirming what Becky did and did not like.

She learned that Becky was actually working at the company to help out to pay her way through university. She had an undying passion for acting and directing. She wanted to make her own films someday. She also wanted to create their soundtracks. Apparently she was rather musically gifted as well. Freen thought it was absolutely breathtaking the way Becky got carried away with her dreams, as if she were chasing magical butterflies. The passion that lit up her eyes were electric and Freen simply couldn't help wondering whether she would ever be the source of that electric passion in Becky's eyes.

Between bites and sips, conversation naturally flowed between the two women. Even if they did not have everything in common, they found it very easy to find commonalities within their interests. Like the fact that Becky was quite active and enjoyed a good hike, while Freen maybe not as active, still loved being out in nature. Becky thought it was weird that someone so dark and broody would enjoy the sun and plants and trees so much.

"Is it because you think I'm a vampire?" Freen slanted her head as she watched Becky from beneath her brows.

"Well we just had garlic, so I'd be worried." She laughed heartily and Freen joined her, covering her mouth as she can't believe anyone could cause such joyous sounds to even come from within her chest.

"Okay okay! What is it then? Am I supposed to fit some emo stereotype? Tend a bar, ride a motorbike, date... Women..." Freen smirked and shirked her shoulders, trying to figure it out.

"I have a question for you!" Becky chirped suddenly, wagging her finger. "Have you ever been on a second date?"

"Excuse me?" Freen gave her best act of incredulity. "What is this? Spin the bottle? We're shorting a bottle. And kissing."

"Well!..." Becky started before Freen covered her lips gently with her fingertips in order to stop her from continuing that thought. Freen knew it was a bad idea the moment it left her mouth.

But now her fingers were trembling against Becky's lips and Freen was feeling a whole new sensation. She should remove them. They've been there long enough. Just take them away, Freen kept telling herself! But her eyes were locked with Becky's stormy gaze and Freen could feel those lips underneath her skin start to move. Becky kissed her fingers, so inconspicuously, and then smiled like nothing happened when Freen finally dropped her hand.

"Let's, I, just." Freen sighed and mumbled as she got up and moved to pull Becky's chair out. "I hope dinner was to your liking." Freen smiled at Becky as she guided her to the door, her hand low on Becky's back. From her angular and aggressive body language, it didn't take much for any man around to clearly see that Becky was off-limits.

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