Epilogue 2

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A/N: I'm having fun writing some more chapters for Scratch, but I'm begging you guys to go get started on Hunter-Hunted. Please leave comments. They're always fun and hilarious!

Freen hated unnecessary attention, especially when it involved an impromptu office party in her honour where she didn't even know half the people. She stared at all the colourful balloons drifting around and the streamers hanging from the ceiling. She glanced over at all the small presents covering her desk and watched as her ex-coworkers enjoyed themselves to the various finger foods. It was a very nice gesture. It just wasn't her thing.

"Are you okay love?" Becky came up behind her and whispered in her ear, knowing her girlfriend well enough to realise that this was a little overwhelming. She was about to turn and reassure Becky when Heng raised his glass and had everyone join in, once again focusing everyone's eyes on Freen. " Today is both one of the most joyous and one of the saddest days in our company's history. We have been doing excellent in terms of sales, our content popularity is on the rise, and money is pouring in. We all know that a big reason for that is thanks to this stunning woman right here..." He indicated to Freen with his glass of champagne while she tried to hold her blush. "Freen, you have managed to lift this little startup with me out of obscurity. In fact, when we started this company it was honestly from my father's garage. I handled the business side, while Freen, with all of her amazing creative talent, was the one who drew attention to our website and publishings. You are absolutely irreplaceable, Freen, though thank the gods you have had enough time to train Becky here to take over from you. And sweet little Becky, I know that you will do just as excellent a job." Finally raising his glass high into the air, he called in celebration "To Freen!" And the rest of the office workers followed. Freen gratefully put her hands together and gave a slight bow a few times in thanks, not wanting to be rude.

In all honesty, she has spent basically her whole life with Heng building up that company and they have made a roaring success out of it. Some part of her was sad to leave, yet another part was overly joyed. When Becky had initially asked her why she was working two jobs, this was exactly the reason why. It was time to chase her dreams. Sipping from their glasses, Freen then allowed Becky to put both theirs down and wrap her arms around Freen's neck. "I'm going to miss you, but I promise I'll make you proud." Such a sweet and innocent smile deserved a sweet and innocent kiss, one Freen was happy to bestow upon Becky. "Now remember, no falling in love with any other employees." The taller woman fixed her girl with a joking arched brow and pursed lips. Becky just giggled and awarded her lover another small kiss.


Freen made sure that the blindfold was properly secured around Becky's eyes so that she wouldn't be able to peek, though the younger girl was giving that ridiculously cute pout at the fact that she had to wait to see what Freen had been up to for months. Well, she did know what Freen had been keeping busy with and why it had lead to her resigning from her office job, but the revelation of the final product was just too exciting to deal with. Freen guided Becky through throngs of people, up steps and around banisters, until Becky could notice them entering an elevator. The younger woman expected the ride to be short, but when it turned to quite a few minutes, she started gasping.

"Oh my god, you did not..." Becky was in awe and Freen hadn't even removed the blindfold yet. When she finally did, Becky immediately checked the floor number and watched it stop at number 40. As soon as the doors slid open she found a large entrance hall leading to a closed set of double doors, a red neon sign above it containing the name 'Scratch'. "How the hell..." Becky started as she studied the sign, then looked back at a proudly grinning Freen. "I told you before, if you want to get somewhere in life, you have to hustle baby. I've been saving ever since Heng and I started that business. I've also been working two jobs and odd jobs for as long as I can remember. And with a little help from the bank, this place now belongs to me."

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