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"Wait... You're playing with me..." Freen canted her head as she realised the implication of what Becky had just admitted. After what she experienced the previous night, Becky still being a virgin just simply made no sense to her.

"It's not something someone says as a joke. It makes me feel like a joke." Becky was visibly upset now, her body shifting to the top end of the bed as she hugged her knees to her body. She was slipping into full-on defensive mode.

Freen quickly realised her mistake and rolled onto her knees to face Becky. "No no no, it's not a joke! I'm sorry, that's not what I mean." She tried to reach out to Becky but the smaller woman rolled out of her reach and stood up from the bed, starting to pace the room. Freen slowly scooted over to sit on the edge of the bed, facing Becky. "It's just, like, last night...we were...we..."

"Didn't have sex. Remember? You honestly think a 'normal' person would pass up the opportunity to have sex with someone like you?" Becky was both laughing and shaking her head as she felt ridiculous even admitting this to Freen to begin with.

"Someone like me?" Freen stood up and inched closer to Becky. "What's that supposed to mean?" Freen wasn't sure whether she had to be offended or not, but she didn't want to upset Becky further unnecessarily. She was clearly having a hard time talking about this, which made Freen feel super guilty.

"What? No, geez I wouldn't think that about you, god! I meant... Urgh!" Becky's frustration bubbled over as she swallowed her words and grappled with her thoughts. She then proceeded to grab Freen by the arm and tugged her to the bedroom door. "I meant you were so fucking stunning that I just lost my damn mind." She brought Freen to the door and started ushering her out of the room, clearly aiming to get rid of her. "And now I think it's better if you rather just leave. This has been enough of a fuck up."

"Becky wait, give me a minute..." Freen tried to block her own exit through the door, turning around to face Becky just in time to have a hoodie flung at her face. As the clothing item fell to the floor, Freen had about two seconds to catch sight of some of the milky flesh of Becky's body before the door slammed shut in front of her.

Freen tried knocking and talking to Becky through the door, but the woman wouldn't respond. At first. When she got annoyed enough she started 'respectfully' insisting that Freen leave, at which point Freen gave up and left. She had another shift at the bar ahead of her that evening anyway and it was getting time for her to get over there.


Freen was a hot mess that night, dropping glasses and spilling drinks left and right. She was freaking out inside, and she nearly wiped a hole through the counter as she cleaned it while deep in thought.

She felt like an enormous dick for the way she reacted to Becky actually opening up to her and telling her something extremely personal. She truly meant no offense, but clearly there was a short-circuit between her brain and her mouth.

What made her feel even worse was how she was feeling about the fact that Becky was still pure. It made Freen almost feel dirty. It definitely made her feel dirty when she thought about the hot night she had with the woman. And that felt wrong because Freen felt she should be taking care of Becky rather than trying to nail her.

Knowingly sleeping with a virgin also felt to Freen like she had the weight of the world on her shoulders. She would be Becky's first - the one that had to carry all the expectations. What if she disappointed Becky? What if Becky slept with her and realised she wasn't really into women? These kinds of thoughts drove Freen crazy.

What if Becky fell in love with her?

Freen's heart skipped a beat while she felt panicked at exactly the same time. As if everything stopped for just a second and she let herself get swept up by the thought.

The spot on the counter eventually shone so brightly that Freen could see the reflection of the woman who sat down in front of her, delicate hands folding in front of her on the dark wood...

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