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After it had gotten late and the moon was high in the starry sky, people started turning in for the night. Seng was still trying to feed pieces of melted marshmallows to Freen who was bashfully batting him off. She loved the role she got to play for a while, bit Becky was less impressed.

"You ready?" Becky stood up and stretched her body, while giving Freen a very pointed look.

"I guess I'll just have to be." Freen pouted playfully at her girl, who was quick to attack her with a light shove in tent's direction. "Goodnight guys. Don't let the wild animals her toy!"

The guys chuckled and bid the ladies goodnight as they watched them walk off to their tent, before they made a move for their own. Seng was over the moon at the progress he was making, but Richie had seen something different, noticed something else. There was an almost mocking humour in Freen's reactions, while Becky seemed like a bear with a sore paw. It couldn't be, couldn't it?

"Oh teerak, don't be mad at me, I was just playing." Freen purred at her girl as she crawled onto the blow up mattress that they had already set up earlier. She sat with her knees folded beneath her and patted her thighs, beconing to Becky.

"If you weren't so goddamn beautiful I would have held out longer for sure." Becky smirked and crawled after Freen on her knees, coming to rest with her thighs straddling Freen's. In thin and silky negligees the women already felt half naked, which neither was complaining about.

"Now what can I do to make it better?" Becky cooed and kissed Freen's cheek, then leaned in further to kiss her ear before running one curious tongue down the side of her neck.

"Becky, no! What if someone walks in? Or hears us?" Freen's eyes grew a little wide, but she couldn't deny she was feeling a little excitable at the idea of possibly getting caught. By Becky's family, however, that was a little scary.

"Everyone's asleep baby... Listen, you can even hear my dad snore." She giggled and rolled her hips down to grind them into Freen and she could feel the heat of Becky's arousal through her damp underwear. It didn't take long before Becky was tugging at her own negligee, trying to get the thin fabric out of the way for Freen to explore her body. She swore she could never get enough of Freen taking her over and over again. Everytime was different and everytime was special and everytime was unbelievably amazing. Becky had no idea whether sex with a guy could be this good, but she highly doubted it.

Once Becky's negligee was removed she remained seated on top of Freen whose eager hands could not keep still. They travelled from Becky's shoulders to her back, from her sides to her hips and her legs, pulling the lacy underwear to the side, and finally dipping in between while lifting Becky up slightly with the other arm. By the time Becky settled down, she had Freen deep inside of her and all she wanted was more. She wanted more of her body, more of her skin, more of her wetness as well. Freen was so good at giving her pleasure and she sure as well wanted to return the favour, but with Freen's expert ministrations Becky couldn't even keep her head on straight. Freen dragged the tip of her tongue up the side of Becky's neck and then grabbed hold of her ear, nibbling lightly as she moaned deeply at the feel of her finger thrusting and curling around inside Becky. She couldn't stand it, her hips continuouslu bucking up and down and back and forth, trying to get as much friction as she could while the buildup in her small body was growing to unforgettable proportions. Becky grabbed hold of Freen's shoulders to cling on for dear life as her body started wracking with contractions, the sounds of unforgiving pleasure seething into Freen's ears.

"Hey girls, everything okay?" The male voice came from just outside the tent, causing both girls to initially freeze, then dive under the covers, Becky quickly covering up her naked body. " Yeah, we're fine, just chatting." Freen called out, Becky still utterly breathless. "Okay, we just heard some noises and thought we'd make sure." Freen smacked her face and smirked, then shook her head as a blood red Becky cuddled up to her side. "We're all good, thanks! Will see you in the morning!"

When they were sure the guys were gone and could no longer see their flashlights, the girls turned to each other and burst out laughing. It was a close call, but Becky's buzzing body told her it was well worth it.

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