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"I should have taken you home." Currently Becky was backed up against the inside of Freen's front door while the taller woman pinned her there with her deliciously warm body. One of Freen's hands was placed flat against the wooden surface next to Becky's head, while her other hand was holding the side of Becky's neck, fingers splayed.

"Why didn't you?" Becky rasped out in a low voice, her cheeks flushed brightly as she rested her head back against the door. The fingers on her one hand were tangled in Freen's belt loops, while the other hand covered the one at her neck.

"I just can't seem to let you walk away." Freen ground through her teeth as she pressed her mouth against Becky's warm cheek. "But I can't have this happen until the time is right..."

Becky understood what Freen meant and she knew it was the truth. The real deal was that Freen was being patient with her and she was doing it in such a chivalrous and yet such a sexy way that it was hard to resist her to begin with. The problem was that Freen merely thought that she just caught Becky in a compromising position at a strip club, but she didn't know the level of Becky's sexual repression - the fact that she hadn't even been with a woman yet. And here she was, wanting to sleep with the local area Casanova. She was so afraid that Freen would think she was awkward and unenjoyable. If there was anything she wanted to do it was to give Freen true pleasure.

"What if..." Becky took her hand from her neck and ran it back through Freen's black tresses, but grabbed hold before she reached the back, yanking Freen's head back a bit. “Mess around. Just a bit." Becky grinned and pushed her body back into Freen now to the extent that the older woman tumbled back a step or two. "No pressure."

Freen was intrigued by the idea, even in her lust-filled haze where very little registered usually. "So... We take sex off the table and just... Make out?" She allowed herself to be lead to the couch by Becky.

"You learn fast..." Becky guided Freen backward until her calves hit the couch and she was forced to sit down. It took Becky absolutely no time to climb on top of Freen.

"Is Nam home?" Becky asked as she locked her darkened gaze with Freen's, her hands starting to glide onto Freen's shoulders beneath the white sheer shirt she had on sadly once more.

"No, don't worry. We're alone." Freen placed her hands on the naked flesh of Becky's knees, slowly and subtly allowing her hands to keep sliding up the outsides of her thighs.

"Good." It was the last thing Freen heard before she felt Becky's lips on hers. It was as hungry as Freen had ever felt, starved for a sensation it had never tasted. Becky's mouth was warm and inviting as she opened it slightly for Freen to insert her tongue, which she wasted no time in doing. Deepening the kiss, Becky's hand shoved at the white shirt Freen was wearing, panting when she pulled away for a breath. "Take it off."

God, was there anything as sexy as Becky telling Freen what to do with her pants down, so to speak? "This is the last bit that goes. Beyond this and I won't be able to control myself anymore." Freen huffed honestly at Becky, making sure she understood. Even Freen had limits.

"You're done when I tell you you're done..." Becky growled into Freen's ear, the smaller woman suddenly having a firm grip on each of Freen's wrists above her head. Freen had no idea how that just happened, but it made her moan out of the sheer hotness of it.

"Remember when you told me..." Becky started, moving Freen's hands back to her thighs, though placing them higher this time to a level that was definitely not appropriate anymore. "At the beginning of the evening, that only good girls find out after dinner...".

Freen frowned and tried to remember what Becky was referring to. This task was made much more difficult by Becky still straddling her lap, her hands now having found the skin underneath the hem of Freen's tank. "What was the question again?" She let out a long, strangled sigh as the warmth between Becky's legs started radiating through her own pants.

"I asked which I would be riding... The bike... Or you." Becky let her fingers slip higher up Freen's shirt and splay out against her flattened stomach. She then slowly started closing them, grabbing and grasping at Freen's skin until Becky had scored angry red lines into Freen's porcelain skin. Freen, for her part, loved it as she arched unabashedly with her back off the couch and right into Becky's body.

"Fuck...Beck..." Freen breathed hard as she waited to see where Becky's hands would travel next. "You can ride whoever you like."

"That's not what I asked." Becky bit her lower lip as she slipped one hand into the back of Freen's hair, while the other wrapped around her throat. Her body leaned in with her as she shuffled in close to Freen. With Becky's legs stretching over Freen's lap the way they were, there was no doubt about the necessary friction needed. It was driving both women mad, though Becky was dealing with it on a pretty precarious line. "Say it." Becky commanded. "I won't ask again."

With Becky's teeth and tongue playing around her ear and her skin on fire, Freen gripped Becky's thighs hard. "Ride me." Freen growled into Becky's ear - half pleading, half demanding.

And that was exactly what Becky wanted - needed - to hear. Both her hands tugged back on Freen's hair, tilting her head and allowing Becky access for her teeth to clamp around Freen's throat. Becky's hips kept moving in sync with Freen's, herself struggling to keep it together as her nails dug into the naked skin of Becky's upper thighs. The woman on top of hers grinding her hips were driving her absolutely crazy. It only got worse when Freen risked sliding her hands on the outside of Becky's thighs higher to simply brush them over her hips. There were no underwear straps. Holy God, Becky...

That was it. The thought caused a small spark inside of Freen to spring to life, the same kind that was developing within Becky. It did not take long for this spark to multiply, to grow, to spread, to engulf, and to destroy - in the best of ways. Freen let her sanity slip as she grabbed hold for dear life to Becky's naked hips underneath her dress. Her hips shot up further to meet Becky's rolling hips on their stroke down, causing the younger woman's world to split and swallow her whole. Becky bit down harder on Freen's neck as she held fistfuls if her hair while riding out her orgasm. It was only after the small sparks started to subside that she realised how harsh she was.

"Holy. Fuck." Freen didn't seem to mind though.

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