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Becky stirred lightly as the bright rays of the sun stung her eyes through their lids, gently waking her from sleep. One eye slowly cracked open, eventually followed by the other. She was met with such a gorgeous sight of the sun rising over the ocean, waves lapping at the beach, seagulls flapping overhead in the increasingly blue sky. She glanced back then and was met with an even more breathtaking sight: a goddess stretched out on her stomach with her arms folded beneath her pillow, allowing teasing glimpses of soft curves along the side of her body where bedding failed to cover her. She must have gotten hot the previous night, or rather during the early morning hours when they had finally worn themselves out completely and fell asleep, exhausted but sated, in each other's arms.

Becky sighed at how lucky she was and how happy she was, sparing another few moments to store the sight of Freen in her memory. After a couple of minutes she slipped from the bed, pulling the sheet with her to cover up with, while she let Freen keep the comforter to cover her lower half as she continued to sleep soundly. Becky moved to the large glass windows and sliding doors facing the ocean from the deck of their modernised cabin by the beach. She opened the doors slowly and softly, wanting to feel the light morning breeze and smell the ocean. Standing outside on the deck, leaning against the banister with the wind flicking through her hair and the sheets flowing from her body though her shoulders remained bare, she formed a stunning silhouette against the rising sun. Freen had woken just in time to bear witness to the moment, the breath stolen from her lungs and her stomach tightening at the sight. She swore to god that Becky was just increasing in beauty by the day. She seemed like a canvas come to life and Freen imagined being able to paint something that beautiful; she'd have to be a genius.

"Hey you..." Freen whispered in Becky's ear as she slowly came up behind her, wrapping her arms around the shorter woman.

"Oh hey there miss 'I can go all night'." Becky teased and turned around in Freen's arms, only to find her completely naked with zero cover. "Oww!" She yelped and opened her sheet to swiftly pull Freen inside.

"Okay, first of all, I DID go all night." She tugged Becky close with her arms wrapped over the sheet, while Becky kept it folded around them from beneath, keeping their warm bodies pressed together comfortably. "And second of all, you do realise no one can see us here, right? That's the whole point."

"If you went all night, then why did you pass out first, huh? I think I won..." Becky smirked that devilish smirk she reserved only for Freen. "And no, I didn't realise that... I feel like we should use that to our advantage..." The devilish smirk did not falter. She was hyper-aware of their warm and naked skin pressed inch upon inch against each other.

Freen did a sharp intake of breath at Becky's suggestion, her skin raising in bumps as she flushed hot at the thought. That was definitely an invitation she was not about to miss out on as she guided Becky backwards to lean against the banister. Her lips attached themselves to Becky's throat, sucking hotly and kissing her hard as she tugged at the sheet more incessantly by the moment. "Drop it." Becky's head lolled back in pleasure as Freen paid feverish attention to her throat, letting she sheet slide from both their bodies' as she rested back with her elbows resting on the banister, the ocean crashing at her back.


The sand was white between their toes as they walked down the beach, hand in hand, giggling at their own inside jokes as they bumped shoulder to shoulder. To any casual viewer it was clear to see they were in love, as obvious as it was, and nothing would change that.

They had taken a short boat ride to the nearest island and were enjoying the sun and the beach as they strolled along. Freen was fidgety and it didn't take long for Becky to notice, though she wouldn't press the matter. She knew she'd find out eventually.

They walked along the rocks they encountered further along the beach where the trees and vegetation started closing in. They found a soft spot to sit in the shade and watched as the waves rolled in. Becky could feel the palm against hers grow sweaty.

"Umm, so, I got you something." Freen squeaked out, then cleared her throat. Becky's smile cast at the amazing woman by her side only grew in size. "Don't expect much, okay, I'm broke." Becky laughed and booped Freen's nose. "But I want to tell you something. I realise things might not go smoothly for us. In fact, I sense severe opposition," she smirked, "but I'll take on the wildest storm for you, kid. I promise I won't hurt you or falter from your side. I promise to take care of you, no matter the source of the pain. I promise that, if you let me, I'll love you to the absolute best of my ability."

Freen was still busy reaching into her pocket when Becky was already lunging at her, wrapping her arms tightly around her girlfriend's neck and back, while kissing her deeply. Freen was dazed and confused in the best of ways when Becky pulled back breathlessly, but she didn't go far. She lingered with her lips a mere inch away from Freen's, sharing her breaths, when she whispered, "I love you."

Freen smiled as widely as she possibly could and connected her lips back to Becky's, savouring the sweet kiss that now carried an extra layer of both comfort and vulnerability. They were really in this together now.

Finally pulling from her pocket what she had been fiddling with, Freen produced a small velvet pouch. Tipping it over into her hand, two thin but delicately designed rings came out, the one engraved on the inside with "Freen" and the other with "Becky". As Freen picked up the one that held her own name, the smaller of the two, she explained, "These are promise rings. Just a promise that I'm really serious about you and I want to see where this goes. Hopefully further than our wildest imaginations." She sighed and slipped the ring onto the ring finger of Becky's right hand.

Freen Sarocha had finally been reigned in one hundred percent.

Becky took the remaining ring and reached for Freen's right hand. "I could already in my wildest dreams not have thought I'd get here. I know it's been a bit of a rollercoaster and we're still riding it, but with you by my side I feel like I can ride anything."

"Hey! The only things you're allowed to ride are me and my bike. With me on it." Freen interjected and earned herself a slap on the shoulder. "Not now!" Becky scolded, but couldn't stop herself from smirking at the beautiful woman before her, waiting for her to slip that ring on her finger. "I promise I will not run from my problems and will face them and any other future obstacles - climb the highest mountain and cross the deepest sea and all that - just to be by your side." She grinned and giggled as she leaned her forehead against Freen's and fitted her ring into place, knowing Freen carried this representation of their love with her making her feel warmth spreading through her chest and stomach.

Freen leaned in and kissed her through a goofy smile, joining in on Becky's laughter. Her laughter always made everything better. Freen knew it always would.


Hey guys, just checking in. That chapter went from sexy to fluff real quick, huh?
So we still need to deal with mommy, but then this fic needs to draw to a close. I could maybe be persuaded to write a sequel in future.
In the meantime, if you're not following me, go check out my profile and the new (MonSam) fic I'm working on: Hunter-Hunted. Let me know if I should continue or not!
As always, thanks a lot for sticking with the story and all the feedback and interaction! I see you all! Hope you are entertained!

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