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By Sunday afternoon the family had returned home from their weekend away and everyone helped to unpack and settle back in. Freen did her utmost to leave a good impression on Becky's parents, but she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. Clearly Becky had picked up on it too as she seemed more nervous by the passing minute.

When Seng excused himself to go home, Freen figured she would do the same. After greeting the family and pulling her bike out of the gate, she sat upon her metal steed and smiled at Becky as she held her helmet in hand. "I want to kiss you so badly right now."

Becky grinned then licked her lower lip as she ran her eyes down to Freen's lips. "Trust me, you look so hot right now I can barely resist."

"Becky?" Her mother called from inside, followed by a "I need your help!" Becky sighed and blew Freen a secret kiss, then turned and made her way back inside. Freen watched her all the way until she disappeared, before she kicked her beast into a roar and took off down the street.


"Morning beautiful." Freen smiled happily as Becky approached her desk at work the next day. "I got you coffee." Becky wasn't looking well and Freen noticed immediately. "What's going on?"

Becky got a little teary, but quickly wiped it away, her brief sad emotion quickly replaced by frustration. "We need to talk, but not at work. I need to be preoccupied right now."

Freen didn't push her, but she stayed there with her heart open to comfort Becky whenever she needed it. Becky remained quiet though and kept busy with her work. She even worked through lunch, though Freen made sure she had a sandwich and a bottle of water at her desk. When the end of the day had arrived, Becky was quickly packing up her things and getting ready to leave.

"Why are you in such a rush? I thought we were talking." Freen poked at Becky, starting to get upset.

"I can't, I have to get home." Becky ran a nervous hand back through her hair, trying to avoid eye contact with her girlfriend.

"Okay, you know what? No. I don't play this game." Freen growled and grabbed her things, then marched past Becky.


That evening Freen took an extra shift at the bar, trying very hard not to think about Becky. It helped when it was busy and she was engaging with people the whole time, but when it turned slow, so did her thoughts. And the slower the thoughts, the sadder they were. The more they hurt. Becky wouldn't hurt her on purpose. Maybe this is just a misunderstanding? They seem to be good at those. And she didn't really give Becky a chance to say much before she took off. But then why has she not heard anything from Becky all night? Not even as much as a text and it was already close to 10pm. Granted she hasn't texted either...

Her mind was spinning, trying to make sense of it all when a familiar scent filled the air. Freen rarely forgot the scent of a woman. "Nita." Freen nodded her head at the beautiful woman as she took a seat at the bar.

"Oh, you remember my name. We're off to a good start, wouldn't you say, Freen?" She let that trademark sly smile settle on her lips.

"Back for another shot of rejection?" Freen smirked. It was an insult to injury, but in good and humorous nature. She even had Nita laughing at it.

"Oh beautiful, I'm never deterred by a challenge... Now get me a shot. A real one, thank you." Nita kept her pretty smile on display as she got comfortable, sharing shots with Freen as they bantered and told stories. Freen even found herself enjoying Nita's company, but it didn't work. Nothing would work. She couldn't get her lover off her mind.

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