Epilogue 5

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A/N: Merry Christmas and a happy new year to you all! I wanted to update Scratch with another epilogue (because I know how much you guys love smut, haha) and also I need you guys to interact with my fics so that they can get pushed up the rankings! Vote, follow me, subscribe to the story, whatever you can! And then be sure to to check out my profile for more Freenbecky goodness!

Okay I'm done
Hugs hugs


The plane was well at cruise altitude when Freen started to feel the slight biting cold from the aircon in first class. Becca was curled up in an almost fetal position next to her. She had been so tired lately with both working at the company and completing her law studies at the same time. Freen wrapped a blanket over both of them for some warmth.

"Ehhh?" Becca woke slowly and softly, trying figure out what was going on and exactly where they were. In fact, they were on a trip to England to establish another branch of Scratch. Already owning two clubs around Bangkok, Freen had made business dealing with the men she spoke with at the club. It was a brand new club that needed decor, ambience, foot traffic and all other important things that Freen held a load of knowledge about.

"We've reached cruising altitude baby. It's going to be a long trip." Freen casually let her fingers fall over Becca's slightly red cheek. She smiled warmly as Becca finally lifted her eyes, just to be captured by the dark whirlpool before her. "What's going on?" Becca smirked and spoke her words both coyly and in whispers.

"I want to fuck you." Freen grinned and bared, letting her sharp teeth show.

"Baby, in a plane? Those cubicles are tiny." Becca's eyes grew wide but Freen's look of amusement clearly communicated that she had already made up her mind.

"They'll be enough..." Freen husked into Becca's ear and let her hand travel underneath the blanket that covered them. It formed just enough of a tent in order to hide what was happening beneath.

Becca gasped silently as she felt Freen's hand stroking along the edge of her pants, though it soon started to become light scratches. "Babe, we can't here..." Freen smirked and looked at Becca with those flames dancing in the dark. "Imagine baby. This is bucket list stuff." Freen nudged Becca on while she placed a hot kiss in Becca's neck, while allowing the tips of her fingers slipping inside the waistband of Becca's underwear, just enough to tease her.

When Becca fixed Freen with a look, it wasn't another warning look. It was a passionate look. The hunger that filled Becca from the core was unstoppable. She uncrossed her hips and spread hear legs again in order for Freen to have more access with her hand. Whenever an attended came along they just pretended to be cuddling and chatting.

Meantime Freen had wriggled her hand completely into Becca's pants. Thank god for sweatpants. As she combed her fingers from top to bottom, from clit down to where Becca's wetness was seeping from. Becca was proper wet.

Becca lifted her hips a bit for more contact, but it was torture not having enough speed or pressure. Either way, it had her writhing in both agony and pleasure. Freen had said she wanted to fuck her, well then she had better.

Becca looked around to make sure the coast was clear. When it was clear and all the attendants were elsewhere in economic section, Becca jumped up and dragged Freen with her to one of the small bathroom cubicles. It was a very tight fit but Becca managed to lock the door.

Freen had thought she was in charge this whole time, but bring out the sex and Becca Armstrong turns into feisty little cub. The kissing was intense as the two women's mouths desperately devoured the other. There was no time for breathing, no time for gentleness. Freen was already tugging on the string that held Becca's pants around her hips, leaning into her against the little sink behind her back.

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