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"No." Freen simply stood still in her tracks as she stared at the dark little bar lit up here and there by neon lights. It was a karaoke bar.

"Come on, you said it was my choice! I've been such a good girl all evening!" Becky batted her lashes at Freen as she leaned into her, inhaling her scent. Freen couldn't really argue with that. Becky had been the perfectly charming date and even allowed Freen to step up a bit and take charge. Becky was nothing if not shrewd with her actions.

"I'm not singing!" Freen's eyes went wide as she panicked while Becky dragged her closer to the door.

"I bet a few drinks will say otherwise!" Becky giggled and got her way, dragging Freen the rest of the way and into the building. A round of shots and drinks were definitely in order, which Freen quickly picked up at the bar for her and Becky. They found a booth in a back corner that was just lit up enough for the two of them to see each other in close proximity. They sat on the bench next to each other and watched the rest of the patronage of the bar.

"What about her?" Becky suddenly asked randomly. She was shirking her head at a woman seated at the bar with a white dress and flowing pink hair. Her naked shoulders were covered in the most beautiful tattoos.

"What do you mean, what about her?" Freen asked in confusion.

"Is she the type you'd take home at the end of the night?" Becky leaned into Freen and whispered with her lips pressed against Freen's ear, causing gooseflesh to spread down her throat.

"It doesn't matter. I'm here with you now." Freen husked in return as she struggled to find her voice, her attention nor her gaze worried about the woman at the bar.

"You can be honest... I would." Becky continued whispering in Freen's ear.

"And if you take her home, what about me?" Freen insisted on avoiding a serious conversation about her lifestyle, deciding to keep the words light and bantered.

"You can come too. We could make it interesting." Becky let the tip of her nose brush down the side of Freen's face and nudged her jaw. She honestly had no idea what she was doing or saying. She had never even actually slept with a woman, never mind having a threesome. All she wanted, honestly, was to get a rise out of Freen.

"I don't like sharing." Freen smirked, keeping her face just slightly turned towards Becky. By now her arm was wrapped around Becky's back.

"That's not what I heard." Becky looked Freen dead in the eye at that comment and the dark-haired beauty knew that Nam had given away that secret.

"Okay well, I don't want to share you." Freen changed tactics. She figured the best way to get herself out of hot water was to charm her way out of it.

"You know what they call that, right?" Becky chuckled as she asked.

"Don't even say the word." Freen laughed. She knew neither her nor Becky was ready for a relationship. This was only their first date after all. Therefore, luckily, it was easy to discard as a joke.

More shots and more drinks later and Becky was getting much friendlier. Apparently Freen was a little better at handling her alcohol, though she couldn't help but find the slightly tipsy Becky to be the most endearing creature on earth.

"If I sing, you have to sing!" Becky chimed as she was now tugging Freen by the hands from their booth, wanting her to go sign up for a song. No one was particularly good at singing in the entirety of the bar, so chances of embarrassment were quite low.

"That was not the agreement, Beck!" Freen called back over the music, Becky's nickname rolling off her tongue like a fine wine. She wanted to say it again; she wanted to say it in a different context. She now had Becky standing between her legs where Freen was sitting and Freen could not fight the urge to rest her hands on Becky's naked thighs. Soft, silky, toned thighs. Maybe she should get more alcohol.

"I'll put on the songs while you go to the bar." A slightly slurry Becky spoke into Freen's neck and with her lips moving against Freen's skin so deliciously, she knew there was no saying no.

More drinks later and Becky was creating a beautiful rendition of "A thousand years", while Freen's own rendition of "Dress" by Taylor Swift turned out quite well too. The crowd enjoyed them enough that they continued doing a rendition of "Shallows" together.

There may have been alcohol, but alcohol does not create emotions. Alcohol enhances emotions. When Becky looked at Freen deep in her dark brown eyes as she sang "I will not let anything take away what's standing in front of me," Freen could feel that strange burning sensation in her stomach again. It radiated from there up to her chest and felt like it could explode into dust all around her. She had no name for it yet.

When it was Freen's turn she started a bit shakier, reminded of how beautiful a singer Becky was. But Becky was cheering from the crowd and the rest of the people joining in actually gave Freen enough confidence to really use her voice. It was much more beautiful than she ever realised. Becky walked up to the stage as Freen performed and leaned over onto her hands as Freen crouched down by her, grabbing her hand and pulling her up to join. "All of this silence and patience, pining in anticipation my hands are shaking from holding back from you." Freen continued singing as Becky brushed up against her. By now the leather jacket as well as Freen's over shirt had been left in the booth, the girls with clammy shoulders and naked arms wrapping around each other. "Say my name and everything just stops..." Freen sang into Becky's ear, mic in one hand and the other hand on Becky's lower back to pull her close and keep her there.

"I don't want you like a best friend..." And as Freen gently rolled her hips into Becky's, that fact had become very clear.

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