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Freen's hand steadily travelled up and down Becky's naked side as the two lay cuddled up in Freen's bed. She woman shivered a little at the feel of Becky's back pressed against her, in disbelief that this angel was hers now. She simply couldn't get enough of her and she never wanted to either. For the first time in her life, Freen realised what love felt like and what it meant. She would do anything for Becky, even at her own risk, but seeing the younger woman happy was from now on her main priority.

Becky gave a sleepy yawn as she shifted back into Freen even further, making sure she could feel the whole length of the taller beauty's naked skin against her own. She was fully satisfied, moreso than she could ever imagine she'd be. This new experience was more than she anticipated and almost even more than she could handle. Freen was making all her dreams come true, despite the fact that she had never experienced something like this before. She had had crushes and she had had kisses and makeout sessions, but this was a whole new chapter in her life. She had freely given herself to Freen completely with the greatest trust. Freen was everything she could ask for and more.

"How are you feeling?" Freen spoke softly as she pressed a kiss into Becky's shoulder, her hand still lazily roaming the beautiful body in her arms.

"I'm ecstatic." Becky chuckled, then shifted to turn so that she could look Freen in the eyes. "You're incredible." She purred.

Freen's smile grew exponentially as she watched those dark amber eyes facing her and couldn't help but lean in for a soft kiss on those kissable lips. "So are you..."

Becky grinned and shook her head in response. "I haven't even done anything yet."

"You've done more than you realise..." Freen smiled softly and gave Becky another soft kiss before pulling away and rubbing their noses together.

Becky's hand came up slowly to cup Freen's face, her thumb gently rubbing against Freen's cheek in a show of affection. "I can't wait to really show you how I feel."

"Tell me how you feel..." Freen turned her head to kiss the palm of the hand that was resting on her face.

Becky leaned in further, smearing a selection of kisses along Freen's jaw and over her lips and cheeks, until she reached her ear. She gently snagged one earlobe between her teeth and tugged softly before whispering in earnest. "I love you."

At the love confession Freen could hardly contain her joy and excitement. Slowly she rolled Becky onto her back and slid her body on top of the smaller girl's. Their limbs tangled together with intimate contact, while Freen started an onslaught of heavy kisses all along Becky's neck, making it clear enough that she wasn't in the mood for sleep right now.

"You've worn me out..." Becky breathed heavily as she tilted her head back, her body once again betraying her desire.

"I don't think you're quite tired enough..." Freen grinned and rested her weight more on Becky, one curious hand sliding seekingly down the small physique. When she found Becky's hips, the hand was inserted between the two bodies at just the right spot, delivering undeniable friction between them.

You're...starting...again..." Becky struggled to catch her breath between each move that Freen's hand made.

"I can stop if you want..." Freen groaned softly from the pleasure she herself was feeling due to the strategic placing of her hand.

Becky brought her hands up to run over the soft skin of Freen's bare shoulders, then stopped to tangle in her hair. "Don't you dare."

It was all the confirmation Freen needed to continue. Her lips seemed to set Becky's entire body on fire, wherever they touched, from her neck to her collarbone and further down her chest. Freen took the sheets with her as she moved down Becky's body, hands rubbing over sensitive curves and skin decorated with goosebumps as the younger woman's skin was exposed inch by inch.

"Baby...what are you..." Becky started as Freen moved further until her face was hovering above Becky's hips, though Becky just about arched off the bed as Freen's tongue made gentle contact with Becky's most precious spot. This new sensation was nearly too much for the younger woman to handle, her body feeling it for the first time.

"Oh god, what the fffff...." Becky groaned out in a strangled voice as Freen flattened her tongue to lap at Becky like an eager puppy, leaving Becky's fingers to dig into Freen's scalp from pure tension and unexpected pleasure. Slowly her hips started rolling forward to meet Freen's hot mouth with more anticipation.

Freen wanted to take her time, playing with Becky and tasting her in all delight. The velvet on her tongue only drove her forward eagerly, bring her lips into the fray to suck gently on what they found between Becky's thighs. A low humming sound came from deep within her chest - an almost primal sound.

It caused the most delicious vibrations to rumble through Becky's lower half, the added element pushing her further and further. Keeping Freen's head held tightly between her legs, Becky clamped down on her teeth as she felt the tension building inside her body. It felt like she might burst into flames. Finally, after grabbing one fist full of hair and another full of messy sheets, Becky felt her orgasm rock through her, causing her hips to buck uncontrollably into Freen's warm mouth.

Once the contractions had subsided, Freen slowly kissed her way up Becky's body in order to pull her into a tight hug, allowing Becky to rest her head on Freen's shoulder in comfort. " that? Like is that normal?" Becky giggled a bit, unsure of herself.

Freen placed a soft kiss on her lips as she held her, then smirked in response to the question. "It's better with someone you love..." She answered honestly.

"So when is it my turn?" Becky grinned as she casually rubbed her hand over Freen's hip.

"Time will come. I just want you to feel comfortable first." Freen cooed and pecked Becky's temple.

"Maybe next weekend? I forgot to tell you..." Becky's cheeks flushed a little as she bit her lip, which got Freen quite curious.

"Oh, and what's the occasion?" She smiled amid small kisses to Becky's head and cheek.

"We're going camping." Becky muttered, a little afraid of what Freen's reaction would be.

Freen blinked, then let confusion settle in on her face. "Like in a tent? In the bush? I haven't done that since school." She shook her head but she was smiling. Perhaps a little getaway in nature with Becky is just what they need.

"There's one catch though..." Becky swallowed and lowered her face to look up at Freen through her thick lashes, hoping the cute look would soften the blow. "We're going with my family."

Freen took a sharp breath, startled. She had never been taken home to meet the parents by any girl, much less spending a weekend away with them. Her heart was hammering with nerves. "Okay... Anything I need to know?"

Becky looked guilty then and lightly shrugged her shoulders. "They don't know I like women. They think I'm bringing a friend."

Freen let shock interrupt her beautiful features as her mouth went dry. Not only had she never been introduced to any woman's family, but she never thought she'd have to still pretend to be a friend as well.

"Please please please teerak. I'd do anything for you in repayment..." Becky wagged her brows and blew an air kiss at her lover.

God knows Freen was powerless against Becky's charm.

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