Epilogue 1

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I couldn't resist. Enjoy guys!

It was a Friday evening and Freen was dressed to the nines. She studied herself in the mirror and finally decided on an acceptable outfit for dinner with Becky's family. A high- waisted pair of black pants and a crisp white button-up would have to do, with the final touch being a black tie that completed the outfit. She was ridiculously nervous to the point that she was scared she might sweat through her clothes.
Becky's family had come to accept Freen as Becky's paramore, but she was well aware that they still had their reservations. If there was any time to impress them and prove to them that she was indeed good enough for their baby girl, it would be this evening. It was to be a formal sit-down dinner at the Armstrong residence and all Becky had really warned her about was to dress up and be polite, neither of which Freen was used to, though for Becky she would do just about anything. At least Becky had promised her that she would protect her against any unwarranted questions that might be flung her way, but Freen knew it was bound to happen eventually.

Not wishing to show up like a rebel on her bike, Freen used a taxi to reach the house where the family had been waiting. She was told that her father and brother should be rather welcoming, but that her mother would be harder to impress. It was because of this that she made sure that she showed up with a beautiful arrangement of flowers and a rather expensive bottle of wine. Now all she could do was pray to the gods that everything would run smoothly. Breathing deeply to calm her nerves once or twice, she finally knocked on the door and waited like what seemed forever. She was utterly relieved when it was her lover that opened the door, looking so absolutely stunning in a red knee-length dress that Freen had to remind herself that they were in company.

"Freen! It's good to see you! You look gorgeous, as always!" It was Richie that stepped up next to Becky with a broad grin on his face, which stretched even further when Becky elbowed him in the ribs. He just loved teasing his little sister and it showed.

"Hello there, mister Armstrong junior." Freen teased right back at him as she stepped past and into the foyer of the house. Becky's dad was the next person to appear with a broad smile on his face to welcome Freen and make her feel more at ease. "So glad you could join us, my dear. You look absolutely stunning. Now let me take that bottle of wine and flowers from you so that you can get comfortable." Freen smiled gratefully and handed over the bottle of wine, but kept the flowers in hand. "Thank you sir, but I'd rather give the flowers to Mrs Armstrong myself." Becky's dad nodded quickly, understanding that Freen wanted to try her best to impress the woman of the house. He held up the bottle of red wine and whistled through his teeth at the quality. "Now this is what I call a treat. Thank you so much, darling."

"Hey, that's what I call her, dad! Don't be getting too friendly!" Becky chirped in good humour before giving Freen a chaste kiss on the cheek, causing the dark-haired beauty's ears to burn hot with embarrassment. "Can you not?" She whispered discreetly to Becky right before Becky's mom finally made her entrance. "Good evening Freen." She greeted her daughter's girlfriend, albeit a bit coldly. Becky gave her mom a knowing stare, but none the less Freen tried to hold her own. "Good evening Mrs Armstrong, you have a lovely home. Thank you for having me over. And these are for you." Freen stepped closer to the older woman and held the flowers out to her. Taking them with a small smile, she thanked Freen and went about to find a vase to display them in.

"Don't worry too much about her." Richie whispered to Freen. "She'll warm up to you in no time." Freen really did hope that that would be the case, because the icy draft radiating from the Armstrong woman gave her the chills. "Well, come on family. There's just enough time before the food is ready for us to take a seat in the lounge and share a drink." Becky's dad was encouraging and Freen couldn't feel more relieved in that moment. She had no intention of getting drunk, but something to take the edge off was definitely welcome.

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