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     A ticking clock, a muffled voice, and a shaking leg. Thats all therapy really is, Charlie goes, pays a ridiculous amount —because mental health isn't real according to his insurance—  all for some woman to sit there and tell Sage what she already knows. "You had a trouble childhood, i feel we need to touch on that some more."

"Im making amends with it. it's not like it bothers me." lies. Sage could taste the iron flooding her mouth from her cheek. Dr. Crow takes a deep breath as Sage looks anywhere but the Mahogany desk.

"So you're talking to your brother again, whats that like?" Theres a minute left until this hour long session is over. just 60 short seconds.

"I um, need a refill."

"You're avoiding questions."

"I'm not required to talk about things I dont want to, therefore I have a right to avoid questions." The pale woman looks at her in defeat, Sage never actually wanted to talk during these sessions, just revealing enough for a slight diagnosis. The doctor flips through her notes, her eyebrows scrunching in confusion.

"You shouldn't be out of anything yet. There should be another weeks worth." Sage just shrugs watching as the time turns to 2:00. She quickly gathers her belongings giving Dr. Crow a small salute.

"Bella's boyfriends around a lot, he seems like the kind to steal pills." And with that she walks out the office, meeting Sam outside. Due to an influx of animal attacks Charlie couldn't get away from the office to drive the girl to Port Angeles and wait around a hour. Sam was her only other option. The two move in sync as they enter the run down truck, Sage quickly switches the heater back on, sending a small glare to Sam for turning it off, She slips off her sneakers and sets her feet on the seat.

"Thats a safety hazard you know?"

"We all die eventually." Sam glances at her as he pulls out his space.

"so how was it?"

"Same as always. Her asking stupid questions and not expecting stupid answers in return." They fall into a comfortable silence, only hearing the hum of the engine and the soft sounds of some random radio song.

"My house or Charlie's? fair warning the boys will be there."

"I dont wanna be around Bella." Sam just nodded, silence once again filling the vehicle. Sage never meant to not get along with Charlie's daughter, but Bella was the one who forced the girl outside with the coyotes when the first met in Arizona. Normally Sage would be more content outside, but when its midnight in a strange town and no lights— she's not down. It was Charlie who let the 13 year old in when this happened and when he asked, she claimed she accidentally locked herself out while star gazing.


As Sam's truck pulled into his driveway, Sage found herself freezing up, realizing Paul and Jared were in fact at his home. The past few weeks she'd managed to narrowly avoid them when she came over, but now she definitely couldn't. Sam turned the newer vehicle off and carefully looked at his younger sister, taking in her anxious body language. "I can turn around and bring you back to Charlie's. Tell Emily you weren't feeling good."

Sage shook her head no, desperately wishing she had something to ease her nerves. "I'd look like a coward."

With a deep breath she opened the door, Sam following her lead. The older boy waited for her to start walking before heading inside, wanting to ensure she was actually okay. when they reached the front door his voice sounded so low, Sage could barely hear it. "Give me any kind of sign if you start to feel uncomfortable, and i'll bring you back."

She nodded lightly and he opened the door. She quickly cut in front of him rushing to Emily. "I'm home and its time you break up with Sam for the better Uley."

Emily laughed lightly as Sage rushed to her side, giving the older teen a small side hug. "I made muffins if your hungry, which you probably are. Sam never stops on a trip back from Port Angeles."

"I'm not that hungry. I ate some chips before Sam picked me up." Sage's eyes turned to the table, finally acknowledging the two teens with a small wave. Sam cut behind her, wrapping his arms around Emily and giving her a soft kiss. Sage caught the action out of the corner of her eye and was quick to fake gag. The couple laughed lightly and Sam lightly pushed her. The three not noticing a frozen Paul and Jared stealing the boy's muffin from in front him.

"I can't believe i get to meet the famous Sage Uley." Sage and Sam looked at him confused, as Paul came to his senses and hit the back of the boys head.

"Jared, we practically grew up together." Sage paused, her eyes brows meeting each other. "You've already met me."

"Yea but like not as Sam's sister."

"On that note, Sage," The younger girl quickly turned to Emily. As much as she hated to admit it, Sage liked Sam and Emily together more than she liked him with Leah. "Any requests for dinner?"

"Oh I'm staying at Quil's tonight. me and the boys are building a big fort. My game plan is to get them to build it, then kick them all out of it." Emily just nodded a smile on her face as Sage rushed off the the couch, instantly starting to flip through the endless channels for something enjoyable. After a minute she finally settled on that 70s show. Something that had became a constant background noise in the house.


Sage avoided Charlie's house, feeling like an imposter now that Bella was living there. So for the past two weeks she'd been hopping between Jake, Embry, Quil, and Sam's, though it was mainly the first three. She texted Charlie each night and morning to let him know she was alive and to tell him where she was sleeping each night. School continued to pass, and Sage fought to not end up behind.

Each day she continued to pass her Grandmothers house, and each day she drove past, still to scared to enter. It was like a wound that would forever stay open, a wound she didn't dare to try and treat. The pain Grandma Irene's death left behind was something she never wanted to forget, and in her mind the second she walked through the doors it'd slowly start to disappear. With a small sigh the girl pulled into the small corner store, Emily had asked her to pick up some extra flour and Sage couldn't say no to the older girl. After making sure the car was in park she grabbed all her belongings and entered, only to freeze when she caught sight of Terrance Lahote.

Terrance was much like her own father, falling victim to the bottle every day and causing everyone around him to fall victim to the anger it caused. He was a man she was always scared to be around, not just because of his anger, but his energy always made it seem like he'd go further than hitting if he got the chance. She flashed him a barely there smile as she quickly walked past him, letting out a breathe of relief when he didn't stop her. She made her way to the baking section humming lightly as she grabbed the flour. "Sage, its been a while since you've been home."

The young girl paused as her eyes met Charlie's "Ive been spending a lot of time with Sam lately, and its cheaper to just crash at one of the guys' houses."

"Well its good you're getting close with your brother again, I'd just appreciate you coming home more than once every two months."

The girl nodded and looked down. "Ive gotta run this to Emily, I'll come back tonight."

Charlie nodded and watched as she walked away, sighing as he got what he came for.


i wrote this chapter in five different days, so there may be quality changes, i started it the day i put out the last one and literally just finished it...

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