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SAGE ALL BUT RAN inside, her hand gripping the envelope Charlie had given her. The pack all froze when they saw her— all except Jacob who was still at home recovering. Embry just perked up slightly as his eyes spotted the rectangular white paper. She just nodded and ran up to her room, the boy not far behind her as his lunch sat forgotten.

They both sat facing each other, their legs criss crossed as they stared at the envelope between them, as if it would come to life and read the results to them. "Are you sure you wanna know?"

"Sage, I'm not even sure what I'm doing for dinner." The girl looked at him with scrunched brows.

"That doesn't make sense."

"It makes total sense!" His voice raised an octave as he defended himself, causing her to snort

"It definitely does not."

"I dont know anything!" Her lips formed an oh and the two silently went back to staring at the paper.

"If we do this long enough it might actually open itself."

"I dont think it works like that. Come on be a big girl! Rip off the band-aid!"

"Me! this pertains mainly to you Bry!"

"And it possibly pertains to you. Why do you think we're in this together?" The girl just huffed and picked up the envelope, slowly breaking the seal. "Wait!"

She paused, staring at Embry. "Do you think my mom's gonna be mad? Also what if this is absolutely terrible and I'm related to some bloodline no one knows about! What if this just somehow makes things more awkward?!"

The boys steadily raised pitch caused her to struggle to hide her amusement. "I definitely dont think Tiffany will be mad, maybe a little confused or something the rest is just your mind panicking."

Embry sighed and took a deep breath before nodding at the girl, causing her to follow his actions before fully opening the envelope and pulling out the paper— which she immediately dropped. "Sage! thats my DNA, you gotta be careful!"

"Bry, I don't think they send back your dna."

"They definitely do, They only have to borrow it to do the tests." Sage stared at him confused, He'd definitely been around Jared for too long, and the conversation definitely was concerning to anyone who was eavesdropping.

"Thats not— whatever." She slowly lifted the paper back up, holding it between the two as they both stared at it, watching as she unfolded it before slowly reading. The both shared wide smiles and Embry tackled the girl causing her to squeal.

"FIFTY PERCENT! FUCK YES!" Though the two weren't sure how to approach Sam and tell him they'd DNA tested themselves, let alone how to tell Tiffany— they were relishing in their newest discovery.

The two best friends, who'd always joked about some external force forcing them to like each other, who'd call each other their platonic soul mate— were siblings. Though Joshua Uley wasn't exactly the best case in the scenario, He was the best case to not ruining how anyone saw their father, the best case to the two best friends.

Sam and Sage already saw Joshua for the complete and total asshole he was, They had seen the man's true colors and been exposed to his violence— no one could ruin their perception of him more than he already had. They heard the sound of feet rushing up the stairs, but stayed in their blissful cheery state, not bothering to pull away from the hug as their eyes twinkled and their laughter filled the room.

Paul and Sam pushed her door open, staring between the two confused. Sage and Embry looked at each other before pulling straight faces and nodding at the boys, as if they hadn't just been screaming at each other.

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