part three

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The boy with the tired eyes
sets himself aflame every day.

he moves like winter, and
with his star-map skin and cacophony laugh, you don't know how to tell him that his smile makes you feel a little less alone.

his chapped mouth unravels you
and before him, you didn't know that
poetry could exist in a pair of cold hands and the way they cradle yours like fine china.

"i never cry," he says. but when he explodes, he explodes, and when the time is right he drowns in the saltwater with the rest of us.

you'll find it all out soon enough, darling. how he's bad with names but he smells like old spice and home. how he acts tough but he's secretly soft like you. how he cut his hair short last summer and cuts his heart out of his warm chest every day, watches it pulsing there, raw, in spite of it all.

i know you're scared, but just this once, go on and let yourself fall.
don't worry; he'll catch you.

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