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As it turns out, when you return from the dead reuniting with people isn't a 5 second thing. its more of one hour paired another hour spent trying to politely leave but not make it obvious.
When Sage finally reached Charlie's house to get her phone and tell him her plans, She was shocked to see a search party assembled. She quickly tossed her car into park and jogged over to Charlie.

"What's going on?" Instead of answering her, the older guy quickly wrapped her in a hug causing the young girl to stiffen lightly as she slowly hugged him back.

"Bella's missing." Sage's jaw dropped lightly as she broke away from the hug. She quickly scanned the group assembled on the front lawn and walked over to Billy and Jacob.

"Who's searching right now?"

"Sam, Paul, and Jared. Emily ran back to their house to get everyone food." Sage just nodded and watched the tree line, waiting for any movement that was from a person. 30 minutes later her brother's voice reached her ears.

"Ive got her." Sage released a deep breath before joining Charlie as he walked towards Sam. Her ears had begun ringing and she entered a haze, no words seemed to be registering. Paul walked over to her, and slowly placed a hand on her shoulder causing Sage to jump lightly before relaxing. The girl didn't catch the look her brother and Paul shared as Paul slowly led her inside.

"are you breathing?"

"Yea. I mean, I know I dont like Bella, but that doesn't mean I want her dying in the woods. Can you imagine the stress we've put Charlie through? Holy shit." Paul just listened to her rant, taking in the words and allowing her voice to be committed to his memory. The front door opened causing the two to jump off the couch as Charlie went to lay Bella down.

"Paul, the blankets are in the cupboard at the top of the stairs there should be some thick comforters in there." Sage watched as the room filled with people and quickly made her way towards Sam and Jared.

"Sam, I can't tell him right now. I mean i just came back after being missing and presumed dead for three weeks and now Bella's back after going missing in the woods—"

"Hey, dont worry about it, theres no rush." Sage just nodded as Paul stood on Sam's free side. Once the doctor stated that nothing was wrong with Bella, Sage quickly excused herself and walked straight towards her room. She fought back tears over the fact that Bella got a doctors visit and she didn't, as if it was some kind of contest. As the tears started falling there was a soft patterned knock on her door. She quickly wiped them away as she told the boy to come him.

"I can't believe you still remember that obnoxious knock." Paul laughed lightly as he sat at her vanity chair, watching as she wrapped a blanket around her.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Sage sighed and attempted to nod, before the tears began to form once more.

"it's not even worth talking about." Paul nodded as he looked around her room, still not used to how little its decorated. He heard the sound of a bed being patted and looked back towards Sage as she stared at him expectantly.

"you know i dont bite right? come sit on something other than that uncomfortable ass chair." Paul laughed lightly as he moved towards her bed, laying down beneath where she sat.

"I really love how you've decorated the place, very minimalist." Sage snorted lightly and gently kicked his shoulder.

"asshole. so what is it?"

"What's what?"

"Whatever it is you've wanted to tell me like all day."

"It can wait."

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