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JACOB HAD RUN OFF. No one knew where the boy had gone, they just knew what had caused it. Bella Swan is getting married. Everyone was worried for him— who knew what he'd do in the mindset he was in. Jacob was nothing if not volatile.

Sage was still ignoring Paul, so she'd elected to drag Quil and Embry out on a welfare check with her. "I still don't get why you're so pissed at him, I mean come on he loves you!"

Sage glared at Quil, her hands balled into fists. Quil's only relationship experience was with his girlfriend, plus he was a man— he didn't understand. "It's not about love, Quil, It's about perception. And right now he sees me as someone who would cheat on him."

The boy went to open his mouth again, causing Embry to slap his head. Kosumi's home was entering her view causing her to nervously smile as she relaxed her hands, wiping them on her shorts. "Guys, I'm scared."

"Come on, it's Kosumi! he's gonna greet us at the door with a cup of tea or something and show us some old photo album he was looking at." Embry had always been the eternal optimist of the group, Quil had too many moments of pessimism and Sage was nothing but a pessimist.

"And what if we walk in to see a dead body?" Embry shrugged.

"We send Quil in first." Quil immediately began to protest while a soft smile formed on Sage's face. The three found themselves on the mans worn-down porch, all staring nervously at the door.

"Quil, you knock."

"Why me, you wanted to do this!"

"Because Im already traumatized, Embry may as well be, you need a little spice." The boy just huffed and slowly knocked on the front door, The group collectively holding their breath when they heard no response. "Maybe we should call Billy."

"Already on it." Sage turned to the side to see Embry typing on his phone. She just nodded and sat on the old rocking chair staring towards the road as she waited for Billy to show.

The man had come, dragging old Quil and Sue behind him. The three flashed tense smiles at the teens before walking inside. After a few minutes Billy wheeled himself out the door, a remorseful expression on his face and Sage just nodded.

She didn't allow herself to cry, even when she led Embry and Quil into her living room and stared at Sam. "Kosumi's dead."

The present people just sat up straight looking at her confused when she just shrugged, walking straight towards her room.

Kosumi had often talked about his death, he welcomed the idea of it. The old man praised the idea behind it— He spoke of it as if it just meant he was returning home. He had always hoped the grass and dirt would remember him fondly, that his body would brighten the earth, that the worms and beatles would enjoy their feast.

Sage couldn't find it within herself to be sad, Kosumi had gotten what he always hoped for— he'd gotten to go home. His welcome to the afterlife had to have been beautiful. When she closes her eyes she imagines the wrinkles fading from his face, him returning to a youth filled body as he greets his wife.

His departed family and friends surrounding him once more— a reunion with his blood, the ink on his arm matching theirs.

Kosumi wasn't gone, not fully anyway. He was standing behind the boys, behind his tribe, guiding them until it was their turn to enter the realm of the dead.


RIP Kosumi, you had an amazing run!!

chapter 13-37

oh how the mighty have fallen


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