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The wolves were taking up every inch of the living room. Jacob was preparing to go meet Bella and her (un)dead boyfriend. Charlie had arrived to Billy's house and the youngest wolves were eagerly watching the older ones. Sage had her arms crossed, pouting as Emily was going over their cleaning list with her.

"Em, I love you but is bleach cleaning the ceiling fans really necessary? I know for a fact neither of us wanna climb on a ladder and have our eyes burn for days." The scarred woman just stared at the girl, causing her to huff before letting out a slow fine. Emily quickly set the list aside, as Sam and Embry entered the room, causing the young girl to run towards the boys.

"Guys, she's trying to kill me. Chemicals are gonna seep through my skin and blend with my blood until it slowly kills me. It'll be a very painful death do you really want that for me?" Sam snorted as Embry gasped dramatically.

"It's okay we have your funeral planned." Sages jaw dropped as she stared at Embry.

"You're such an ass." The boy threw her a lopsided smirk as he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, ignoring her glare. The boy dragged the girl to the living room, pushing her towards Paul as Sam led Emily towards them.

"Now kiss." Sage blew Embry a kiss and flashed Paul the bird. Embry held his hand to his heart and pretended to fawn. "Wow soulmate truly."

Paul grumbled Embry's way, causing the boy to raise his hands in innocence. "Platonic!"

Paul just smirked as he pulled Sage into his side. The fight was tomorrow and Sage looked at the boys with narrowed eyes. "Any of you idiots gets a single scratch on you and I'm gonna make you wish you died. Got it?"

The boys just smirked arrogantly as they nodded. "They won't lay a finger on us."

She turned to Quil and stared him up and down causing him swallow harshly. "I mean, Yes ma'am."

Sage nodded and smiled as she reached for Paul's cup of water, staring between the boys. "So why were we dragged out the kitchen?"

"Movie night!" Sage looked at Embry with a smirk.

"Land before time?"  The boy rolled his eyes.

"Obviously." Sage clapped as she giggled, pulling a blanket on her lap as Paul and Quil sat on either side of her. The living room was filled with the boys and their separate imprints, causing the home to be filled with an indescribable amount of love and comfort. They brought in the morning of the fight, watching childish movies and tossing popcorn at each other until their eyes fell heavy and sleep took over.

Her eyes opened slightly when Sam woke Seth up, sending him to go watch over Bella. Sage groaned and slowly went back to sleep. The boys woke her up when they went to leave, causing her to hug Paul tightly and not want to let go. The boy just swayed them slightly and kissed the top of her head until Sam cleared his throat. Sage sighed and slowly pulled away, Pauls arms still resting on her waist. "I swear, anyone gets hurt I'm killing all of you. I truly dont care if its a scratch from a sharp rock or branch."

"No one's gonna get hurt." Sage narrowed her eyes at Pauls words.

"Whatever, pass my threat to Jacob and Seth." Paul just nodded as she turned away from him, wrapping Sam into a quick hug. "Don't leave me with Emily too long. The house may be a new color when you get back."

Emily made of sound of disbelief as Sam laughed. "It'll be quick."

Sage just nodded and sent a salute to the rest of the boys as she went stand next to the girls. "Now shoo, you nasty mutts."

They watched as the boys left, shifting as they reached the trees. Emily immediately handed her a bucket and gloves. Sage was immediately sent to scrub the sinks and bathtubs, while Emily scrubs the countertops. The young teen was convinced she was gonna be high within an hour, but she did like keeping her mind distracted.

She knew the boys were excited about having vampires to kill, but she also knew that excitement could pose as a distraction, that they could get so caught up in the thrill they forgot just how many they had to fight. She knew their plan could be a gamble, that it was a semi-crazy idea, but she had to have faith they were capable, she had to remind herself this is what they were created for. They were protecting humans from vampires, from danger, they were fighting for safety, for some perfect miracle of a life.

It scared Sage— The not knowing, the wondering if something had gone wrong. All it takes is one second, one chance of being caught of guard as cold, dead hands wrapped around the boys. Anything could happen, and she wouldn't know until it was too late. Collin and Brady were patrolling the border, watching the houses, even if they weren't, there would be no way for them to communicate with the girls. They were in the dark, hoping that once all was said and done the boys would rush through the door, on an adrenaline high and completely untouched.

As the day continued, they had finally gotten to the end of their list. Their only tasks to polish the floors and scrub out the fridge. Sage had a pounding migraine from the chemicals and was busy tossing back ibuprofen as Emily got the floor polish ready. She eyed her sister in law, downing her water as the woman let out a frustrated sigh. "I hate cleaning."

"You're the one who decided we had to do all of this today, I swear my heads about to explode from all the mixing fumes." Emily just snorted as she leaned on the counter beside Sage.

"I hope they're okay." Sage just sighed, leaning her head on Emily's shoulder.

"Me too." They stood together, the blasting music flooding their ears. They stayed like that as five songs passed, eventually Emily stood up straight, patting Sage's back.

"Come on. You want the fridge or the floors?" Sage sighed and looked to the fridge before setting her eyes on the hardwood.

"Hand me the thingy." The scarred woman groaned at the thought of the fridge as she passed the mop like thing to Sage. The girl grinned as she began rubbing the Polish solution throughout the living room, making sure to not miss a single spot— one tiny unpolished spot would engrain into Emily's brain until the next time they did this.


i forget how short the time frame of Eclipse is, were almost done (i will be adding a few bonus chapters just so its not 12 chapters)

Also!!! ive decided to start compiling a poetry book, one im hoping to eventually get (professionally) published so thats reached the forefront of my priorities. It doesnt mean im gonna completely neglected this story, or series, but it does mean once i run out of pre-written chapters there will probably be a little more time spanning between the updates (im already trying to figure out how to make it so Renaissance doesn't get killed since i refuse to write pedophilic things.) at this moment i only have a few breaking dawn chapters written and clearly eclipse is almost over so we are running out.

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