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Leah and Seth's first day around Emily and Sage also happened to fall on the day before Sage's birthday. So the girls, plus Kim, were too distracted by planning to acknowledge the group walking through the front door. The girls were immediately pulled away from their conversation when Embry playfully pinched Sage's shoulder, causing Paul to lightly growl as Sage turned to slap the boys arm.

"Bry, I love you so dearly but I will murder you." As Sage spoke she flashed a glare at Paul. Her eyes quickly flashed towards Sam once he cleared his throat, which forced Sage to realize the two new wolves.

"God, we really are turning into the party house." Sage paused and looked at Jared, looking him up and down in a playfully judging manor. "What a shame we just let anyone in, it'd be so perfect if Jared was banned."

She watched as the boys jaw dropped and his muffin sat abandoned in front of him, she sent him a playful smile which quickly faded when Jacob scoffed loudly. The two held eye contact as her expression showed impatience.

"It's really a miracle you manage to have friends Sage. Do you know how to be anything but an asshole."

Paul glared at the boy and Sage's expression turned slightly humorous as she stared at Jacob's angry face. "I know your little make believe girlfriend left you for a vampire, but maybe you should learn how to keep your mouth shut. Jared knows when someones joking."

The mentioned boy's eyes widened as he looked between the two, Jacobs body beginning to shake as Paul watched him carefully. Sam's voice boomed out a warning causing Jacob to immediately walk out, the front door slamming behind him. Sage's eyes rolled as she faced her brother, who was staring at her confused.

"What the hell happened between you two? You haven't talked in weeks and now this." Sam's voice was a mix of confusion and disappointment causing Sage to sink into her seat as Embry slowly raised his hand as if they were in class.

"I know." The clueless members of the house turned towards Embry confused and Sage just looked at him as he began explaining what happened the day Joshua showed up. Her eyes closed as Embry spoke, only to open when Paul began speaking with anger flooding his words.  She set an arm on his bicep and looked up at him.

"Jacob had a point. I've been a asshole to him for years and never once apologized." She shrugged and removed her hand quickly once the boy calmed down. She avoided everyones eyes as she grabbed a muffing out from in front Jared and began eating it. "Topic over, now don't you guys have some kind of strategy thing to talk about with the Cullens back?"

As she finished speaking, she picked up her muffin and walked outside making herself at home on the rickety swing set. Paul quickly joined her outside causing her to sigh as he sat beside her. "What do you want, Paul?"

The boy shrugged. "Look I know you said you couldn't handle a relationship but-"

He cut himself off once he noticed Sage's eyes locked onto the sliding back door, where everyone but Leah stood eavesdropping. Sage rolled her eyes at them and stood up, heading straight towards her room after tossing her muffin wrap in the trash.

A few minutes later, she let out another huff when Paul walked in. "You know its polite to knock."

"It's also polite to let someone finish what they were saying." Sage smiled lightly as she dramatically gestured to her floor.

"The floor is yours, Lahote." The boy playfully rolled his eyes as he sat down in her reclining chair.

"Sage, I like you, and we've been doing this stupid back and forth thing for years. But now, It's different you know it, I know it." Sage raised her brows at the boy as she wrapped a blanket around her shoulders.

"Just say you're in love with me, I know I'm irresistible." Paul smiled at her laughing lightly. The two knew everyone was probably still eavesdropping, but you know what they say out of sight out of mind.

"I literally cannot imagine a future without you, and I almost had to live one. When Sam yelled for us to call 911, I-"

Sage's eyes closed at the reminder, flashes of her brother and Paul's disheveled appearances flooded her mind. "Paul."

She shook her head as she spoke, causing the boy's face to soften as he moved to sit beside her. "You remember how i told you about Imprints, and the whole idea that they're our soulmates."

Sage just nodded. "I don't think we could ever stay platonic, Sage. I mean, you're definitely one of my best friends but still, theres too much history."

He paused again, his eyes finding a photo of him and Sage on her photo wall as her brows just scrunched together. "I want to try again, seriously this time, but only if you're ready."


end of new moon!! (and my first cliff hanger)

Which means its time for me to search for a quote to tie to eclipse then start that.

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