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There are times when the noise of everyday life gets a bit too loud, you wanna scream and cry and shout, but no sound will escape your mouth. So instead you turn to pain, or maybe changing your look. Anything to distract you, to fill your senses with something else. Maybe that was why the second Sage walked into her bedroom, she reached for the old container of bleach and developer.  Maybe that was why she sat with Blonde hair, debating if she would have time to go buy dye or if she'd have to finally go into the place she called home her entire youth.

She stared at the choppy bangs she'd cut, and looked down and the hair covering her old vanity. Her hair and gone from the middle of her back to her shoulders, it was a change, maybe one she wasn't quite ready for. One she had swore shed never do. Sure the Uley girl had sported highlights before, but she'd never bleached her head and chopped her hair off until she looked like 8 year old her.  She chewed the loose skin on her lips until they were bloody, and took a deep breath when the front door opened.

She swept the hair off into her trash can, ignoring the pieces littering the floor and her clothes. She walked out her room staring at Charlie as he dropped his badge near the door. "What's for dinner chief?"

The man froze, as if he didn't expect her to actually come home, before turning towards her. He itched his scruffy beard, the way he always did when he was thinking: "I haven't thought that far"

Sage just nodded and went to go back in her room, before his voice cut her off. "You cut your hair-"

He paused but she could tell he had more to say. "- and bleached it. are you-"

"Im fine Charlie, I just needed a change. Its good for the soul." And with that the girl escaped back to the confines of her room.


Sage spent the next day hiding away in her room, listening as Bella left, and listening once more when she got back. She caught up on homework, and desperately searched from a distraction. When Bella got back home she knocked on Sage's door, slowly opening it after. "Hey um, Billy and Jacob were right outside you know."

Sage looked up, her glasses falling down her nose slightly. "Oh, i didn't hear them pull up. Billy dropped off some of Harry's fish fry?"

Bella just nodded and glanced around the girls room, her brows furrowing when she noticed how bare it was. "Not one for decorating?"

"I love decorating actually." Bella looked at her confused as Sage immediately went back to her english assignment. The older teen took that as her sign to leave and as the door closed Sage let out a deep sigh, tossing her homework off her bed and pushing a pillow against her face before letting out a muffled scream. She grabbed her phone and quickly sent a text to Sam, before tossing it onto a cushioned chair in the corner. The day began to fade away and before Sage knew it Charlie was back. She heard him and Bella moving around and she slowly moved out her room. She stood awkwardly in a Corner, watching as the two got ready to eat.

"So, any big catches Charlie?" Charie glanced her way, a small smile on his face.

"Nothing out of the ordinary. just a few perch and bass" Sage nodded as she went to make her plate. She slowly set everything down at the table before taking her seat.

"you planning to get rid of the blonde, or are you keeping it?"

"Im not sure. don't really know if i wanna spend the money on dye right now." the table went quiet again and Sage focused on her food, ignoring the conversation that began between the father and daughter. When Edward showed up, she watched as Charlie slipped into intimidation mode. She bit back a small laugh, remembering when Sam had tried to scare Paul off a few years ago. After Edward and Bella left, Sage saw headlights pulling into the driveway, causing her to look at Charlie hopefully.

"I know you wanted me here for a few nights, But do you mind if i go to Sam's? Emily just got a new movie and i'm dying to watch it."

Charlie let out a small sigh as he looked out the window. "Thats him out there, isn't it."

"I may have texted him earlier today."

"Go on." Sage smiled widely as she ran into her room, she heard Charlie letting Sam in as she grabbed a few necessities. When she turned around and saw Sam standing in the doorway, she jumped lightly.

"fuckin asshole." Sam laughed lightly, still finding it weird to hear his younger sister curse.

"Sage, language." The girl covered her mouth, puffing out her cheeks before letting out a quick apology. She pushed her backpack into Sam's arms forcing him to carry it as she began to skip out her room.

"Let's go loser, i miss my girlfriend."

"Stop trying to steal Emily from me, you annoying toddler."

"I cant tell if you were coming for my height or trying to call me immature but either way i'm offended. Not everyone can wake up one day and be 6'5." Sam bit back a laugh as Sage tossed her bag in his back seat before holding her hands out for his keys.

"Sage, no. You legally cannot drive and this truck is like my child."

"Sam, Charlie thinks I'm perfectly fine behind the wheel. Besides I've only wrecked like three times and none of them resulted in my car being totaled." Sam raised his brows and glanced over at her car, taking in the scrapes and dents.

"Im good." the young Uley girl let out a small huff as she jumped into the passenger side of his car, sliding off her shoes and crossing her legs in the seat. attaching her phone to the aux before Sam got a chance to fight her on it. The truck stayed silent until they passed the line for the reservation.

"My favorite big brother."

"What do you want."

"Can we make a pit stop at grandma's?"


"I need you to run to my old bathroom and get my purple hair dye or at least the toner." Sam shot her a confused look

"The what?"

"Never mind. Just stop and ill go grab it. This hair is too plain."

"Yea i was wondering when you were gonna mention bleaching and cutting your hair."

"my soul was begging for a change." Sam just nodded and changed his course. The only noise was Sage humming along to one direction as she watched out the window.

When the Sibling duo pulled up, They both froze in their seats. The house having remained untouched since their grandmothers repast, and the necessary clean up following. Sage took in a deep breath before exiting the truck and walking up to the front door where she once again froze. She heard the sound of a truck door closing and Sam was suddenly by her side. "If you want you can just tell me what the toner looks like."

Sage just nodded and pulled her phone out her pocket quickly googling the bottle she needed before showing him her screen. "Um it should be in the bathroom cabinet."

"Downstairs or upstairs?"

"Upstairs. The one closest the my room, not the master." Sam just nodded and gently took the house keys from her hand, nodding for her to go wait in the truck as he entered. She was quick to reenter the truck, propping her feet up as she sniffled lightly.  When Sam walked back out she raised a brow at the two paper bags in his hand.

"I hope you dont mind but i kinda just grabbed all your dye, and i grabbed a few things i used to never see you without. Figured you missed them." He pulled out a small mushroom throw pillow and her baby blanket, and handed them to her before setting the bags in the back seat.  Sage just lightly smiled at him and nodded.

"Now get in here, I wanna force Emily to tone my hair... and maybe fix the spots i missed while cutting it."

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