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Sage listened as people moved downstairs, conversation flowing seemlessly while she felt stuck in the past. Her eyes shifted from her closed, yet unlocked door and down at the keys in front of her. a shaky breathe escaped as she closed her eyes and pressed three fingers down gently, the sound of music playing flooding her ears and making its way towards the stairs. Her body froze as her grandmothers voice flooded her ears: it doesnt have to sound pretty, it just has to sound real.

Irene had taught the young girl how to play piano, purchasing one the second painting didn't seem to help her cope. Piano turned to guitar and with Sage's love for music growing, Irene repeated the words anytime Sage sat at her piano stool or picked up the guitar. They were the same words Irene's grandmother told her when she started painting, words that had been passed down for generations.

Releasing another breathe of air, and gently opening her eyes Sage watched as her hands danced around the keys of the old wooden piano. She didn't notice when Sam gently opened her door and watched her with a soft smile. When the last note ended, Sam slowly opened his mouth.

"When you become some big composer get me front row tickets."

Sage jumped, nearly falling off the old stool as she turned to face him. "What do you want asshole?"

"Well the crowd at the bottom of the stairs heard you playing and i was sent in to investigate, now do you wanna come down and eat or do i have to deliver more food to you at midnight?" Sage stared at the older boy through narrowed eyes and slowly stood up.

"What'd Emily make?"

"Your favorite." The young girls eyes widened slightly as she walked towards her door and past Sam. As her feet met the last step she froze as everyone stared back at her.

"um, hi?" Her brows furrowed and she turned to hit Sam when he bumped into her.

"Walk, moron."

"Learn how to walk around people dipshit."

"Children, please." The two siblings turned to look at Emily, who had her fingers pressed to her temples.

"Sorry, Em." they both spoke softly and continued walking, missing Emily's soft smile. The two siblings pushed each other as they made themselves plates, attempting to nudge one another away. Sage glared at Sam when some of her pasta fell off the serving utensil and onto the floor.

"You're cleaning it." She lifted her head slightly and turned on her heel heading straight towards her normal seat. "Sam, bring me something to drink."

"Get it yourself." Sage glared at him as he rounded the column into the dining area, only to smile when she spotted him carrying two water bottles.

"Just admit you love me."

"As if." Sage snorted at his tone and softly thanked him as she grabbed one of the cold waters. She ate in silence, listening to everyone talk and highly aware of the eyes staring at her.

Later that day, Sage had dragged her body out of the house. Having decided to meet up with Quil at Alison's after leaving the boy behind for two weeks. She zipped up her jacket as the wind blew with vengeance, and made her way inside, sitting idly at a table and waiting for the boy to show. Alison smiled gently as she brought the young girl her favorite drink, knowing Sage would go crazy if she couldn't at least drink something.

When Quil waltzed through the door the girl sat up straighter, offering the boy an apologetic smile. "Sorry i went off the grid."

Quil shrugged as he sat down across from her. "I mean your dad showed up, i would've disappeared too."

The silence didn't rest over them comfortably— instead it was tense, eating away at Sage's subconscious, making her feel as though she'd forever pushed the boy away. Alison walked over with the two's usual, causing them to mutter thanks as they both thought of what to say.

"How's Joy?" Quil shrugged at the girls words.

"Missing you, How are Jacob and Embry?" Sage cleared her throat lightly, knowing she has to watch her words.

"They're good, Jacob and I haven't really spoken since Joshua's return." Quil just nodded as silence fell over the two again. Sage looked around awkwardly, and from the outside she knew they probably looked like two freshly broken up teenagers. "Why does this feel so weird?"

Quil laughed lightly and looked at the girl as if he didn't know either. "Whats been going on in your little world?"

Sages eyes widened dramatically as she laughed exasperatedly. She immediately launched into a recount of all the things Quil had missed, sparing little to no details— well she obviously didn't mention the fact that all the boys turned into wolves. The awkward helm lifted and the two spoke quickly, their words often burying the others.


ummm... thank you for 5.36k reads!!! what the actual fuck?!?!

I missed writing Quil so he has returned, and soon he will be returning for good >:^)

this was— i wanna say— the shortest chapter for peace ive ever written.

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