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Sam and Sage didnt mention the stop at their grandma's house. They acted as if it never happened, but it had, and it triggered something in Sage's brain. It reminded of her how Sam used to be, before they grew up, before she was ripped away to live in Forks and not with him. She'd seen a glimmer of the relationship their father didn't want them to have. It sparked something in her, something she hadn't felt in two years.

It sparked hope.

So when Sage went to bed that night, her stomach filled with popcorn and her hair freshly toned, she clutched her ratty baby blanket and her mushroom pillow, then drifted into sleep with a smile on her face.

When she woke up the next morning, she was greeted with a bunch of texts and missed calls from Billy. Bella had ran away to Pheonix. The young girl sighed and slipped on a pair of fuzzy socks before brushing her teeth and hair. When she got downstairs, She was quick to enter the kitchen with Emily. "Need any help?"

"Yes actually, can You start cooking the bacon?" Sage just nodded and checked that the skillet was fully heated before tossing a few pieces on at a time, once the bacon was done, she set a paper towel over them and set them on the table.

"Anything else boss?" Emily let out a small laugh and glanced at the teenager.

"No, thank you though." Sage nodded and looked around the quiet house.

"Where's Sam? If hes still sleeping i wanna draw a dick on his face." Emily couldnt help but laugh as Sage smiled proudly.

"Hes out on a run, he never sleeps past 6." Sage laid down on the couch and stared at Emily.

"I fuckin hate early risers, they're so pretentious." Sam walked in the door as Sage began speaking, the girl having not noticed.

"Okay first of all, thats rude. Second, dont you have somewhere to be?"

"Samantha, Welcome home."

"Never call me Samantha again dickwad." Sage just shrugged at his words.

"Well sucks to be you because i always wanted a sister and to answer your question, no, apparently Bella ran off to Pheonix." She turned on the TV and missed the look shared between the engaged couple. Seconds later, Loud laughter sounded in the driveway and made its way to the door. "The goons are here."

When the two boys walked in the froze at the sight of blonde hair sitting on the couch. "Yo Sam, whos the blonde?"

"Fuck off Jared." The two boys eyes widened as the words left the girls mouth.

"Little Uley! why are you blonde and have short ass hair."

"Because long hair requires way too much care. Isn't that something you should know."

"Okay as much as i love hearing this amazing conversation, breakfast is ready. Sage come get yours first." Sage looked at the boys faces and laughed as she got up to make her plate.

"You guys look like wounded puppies." Before anyone else could answer, the girls phone rang, causing her to groan. She quickly finished making her plate and set it to the side before answering. The conversation was short, but it left Sage thoroughly confused. "Sam, Im staying here a few more days i guess. Apparently Bella landed herself in the hospital."

"Is she okay?" Sage shrugged at Emilys words and quickly took her seat at the table.

"I couldn't make out much of Charlie's words, but i think they're gonna send her to live with her mom." The  rest of breakfast passed with random conversations spurring, and Sage found herself laughing more than she had in a long time. When all the plates were cleared off, and washed the girl looks towards Sam.

"Sammy boy. I need a car, so either cough up the truck or take me to get Lyall." The boys eyebrows raised.

"Who is Lyall?" Sam's voice was confused causing the girl to hold back a small smirk.

"Lyall is the love of my life, my car. Come on i need to go see Embry. Hes been texting me nonstop about how tiffany made her Blueberry scones and i swear hes taunting me."

"You just ate, how do you have room for scones?"

"The same way you had room for three plates." Emily and the other two boys watched the conversation with a smirk on their face. "Now either cough up your child or drive all the way back to Charlie's for my car."

Sam closed his eyes and looked as through his was weighing his options. "if you crash my truck i swear."

"Please, its been nearly a month since last wreck ill be fine. Besides i cant be this hot and a good driver." The girl smiled as she took his keys off the hook sliding on her shoes before walking out the front door.

"Dont you wanna get out of your sweats?"

"Nah, Tiff always gives me more than Embry if i look like i just woke up."

When the girl arrived at Embrys she smirked as she texted Sam that his truck was still in perfect condition. She pulled down the mirror and messed up her hair before turning off the engine and walking inside. "Honey, I'm home!"

"Kitchen!" Sage smiled at the sound of Tiffany's voice and walked towards the kitchen.

"I also have a small surprise for you, I completely changed my hair!" She stopped in the archway and did jazz hands and the two members of the Call family stared at the girl.

"Now i have to ask, What shade is that because it is gorgeous."

"I think it was called Mushroom? I'm not completely sure but i love it! my hair was extremely light when we did it so it didn't darken the way it was supposed to but it still looks cool."

"It really does. Now im guess Embry told you about the scones?"

"Yea he was trying to taunt me like i wouldn't get any." The older woman glanced at her son before handing the girl two on a small plate.

"You know your way around, if you need anything else help yourself." As Tiffany finished speaking, Sage caught sight of Quil walking into the kitchen.

"Were you not gonna tell me Quil was here."

"I figured you sense it."

"How would i do that Embry." Quill just smiled at the girl as he fixed his plate and sat next to her. "God this is making me wanna watch breakfast at Tiffanys."

"how?" Quils voice was still scratchy so Sage fought back a laugh.

"because were having breakfast at Tiffanys." the two boys snorted at her words and the table fell into comfortable silence. As the teens were washing their plates Embry looked towards Sage.

"How'd you get here so fast, i know you weren't at Jacobs or he'd be here too."

"Oh, um..." The girl froze for a moment, knowing how much her friends disliked her brother. "Ive been staying at Sam's."

The discomfort showed on her friends faces, but they didnt say anything else. The next few weeks passed too quickly and before Sage knew it Charlie was back in Forks with Bella by his side.

Willow Speaks!

we have reached the end of the first twilight book (also known as the prologue for this book) I wasn't quite sure how to end it so we ended up with this??

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