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Sage's sweatpants seemed to take over half her dirty clothes as finals took over her life. She couldn't find it in herself to care how she showed up to school when she knew the day would be spent stressing over how she'd done on the tests. She glared at Paul as he opened her door, notebooks and worksheets were scattered across her comforter as she desperately studied.

"I forgot how seriously you take school."

"Finals are the only tests that matter and I will not be failing them due to lack of studying." The burnt out gifted kid had always forced herself to work hard at the end of the year. She knew all of the subjects like the back of her hand, yet didn't try until the biggest tests. Paul let out an amused huff as he sat in a chair beside her bed.

"What are you working on right now?"

"Science, the absolute bane of my existence. Actually no, Math is the bane of my existence, Science just makes me want to pull me hair out." Paul, who had always been quite good in science, hummed as he looked over all the papers,

"Want some help?" Sage narrowed her eyes at him.

"Are you gonna try and distract me?" The boy dramatically gasped setting his hand above his heart.

"I would never! Now come on show me what you've got so far." Sage grumbled as she pointed out the papers she was currently looking over, jotting down the most important things from each.

"I still dont get anything about chem, Why'd you tell me it was an easy class." She pouted lightly as her brows stayed scrunched her eyes locking onto Paul's flurry of brown. The boy gently smiled as he gently set his lips on hers, causing her eyes to close and her face to relax. As her arms wrapped around his neck, the sound of a throat clearing forced them to pull apart only to meet Sam's narrowed gaze.

"This doesn't look like studying."

"We're studying chemistry, Sam." She held up her chemistry book allowing the older boy to read the bold print. "I'd say kissing constitutes as studying."

Paul went to laugh but quickly stopped when Sam's gaze turned to him. Sam pointed at the boy and made an I'm watching you motion before turning around and leaving the two alone.

"Whats funny is that would've worked if we were studying history as well." Her teeth showed as she smiled at the boy, a light laugh visible in her words. Paul gently pushed her and moved to sit beside her on the bed, beginning to explain the ever boring subject of chemistry.

The two's study session had been interrupted, as the room filled with the rest of their friends. All struggling to grasp different topics and helping each other with what they did understand. Sage had decided to abandon chemistry and moved onto her strong suits, ensuring that she throughly knew what was to be on their finals.

Sage swore she'd never seen a group of so called criminals so stressed. After a few hours she slammed her history book shut and narrowed her eyes at the rooms occupants. "Im done! My head is going to explode if I read one more stupid little word."

Paul held back a laugh at her scowl and pulled her close to him, his hand rubbing her right bicep. She leaned back in his hold, signifying she wanted to lay down, and let out a relieved sigh and Paul laid back, allowing her head to hit her pillow. Jared make kissy noises as he left her room, followed by the other 3 boys making disgusted faces as the girls forced them out. Sage turned so her entire body was facing Paul and rested her cheek on his shoulder.

"My head seriously hurts. Like I think if you press it in the right spot it'll explode like a land mine." Paul smiled and kissed her forehead. "Not even gonna offer to get me aspirin? Wow, boyfriend of the year everyone."

The boy rolled his eyes as he moved onto his side, causing her to pout as her head once again hit her pillow. "You're supposed to act like I'm some kind of fragile porcelain doll, not a rag doll."

"If i treated you like porcelain you'd yell at me." Sage thought over his words before nodding in agreement, placing a soft kiss on the corner of his lips.

"Whats on the agenda for tonight, does Sam have you patrolling?"

"Nah, he gave that to Jacob. I think I'm gonna go see Auntie Katherine, Her husband had to go out of town, so shes all alone." Sage just nodded, Kathrine never did good in an empty house, before looking at the date.

"I may go to Charlie's, though he may be planning on killing me for avoiding him." Paul just snorted as he laid back on his back, closing his eyes.

"Im so tired."

"Then sleep doofus." The boy just hummed in response, not opening his eyes. Sage took the chance to take in his every feature, smiling as she realized how long his hair had grown.

"I can't sleep with you staring at me."

"Then leave, I do no wrong in my room." Though his eyes didn't open Sage knew that he'd rolled them, causing her to smirk as she followed his lead in taking a nap.

When Sage woke up, Paul was already gone, she grabbed her phone to check the time and noticed a text from him, explaining he'd left to go see Auntie Kathrine early and didn't want to wake her. A soft smile graced her face as she searched through her contacts, immediately clicking on Charlie and asking if she could join him for dinner. Once she received a sure, she lifted herself out of bed and tossed on some shoes, heading to the kitchen. She spotted Sam and Emily cooking together (though it was more Emily cooking and Sam distracting her) and winced realizing she hadn't told them her plans.

"You guys are so gross, Im heading to Charlie's for dinner." Sam just nodded as she grabbed her keys, ready to take her first legal drive out of the reservation.

Once she pulled up at the yellow Swan home she took a deep breath, pushing her hair out if her face as she exited her car. She opened the door and immediately tossed herself onto the couch beside the aging man. "What's new, Captain?"

The man just huffed as he turned down the TV facing her. Her breath caught in her throat as she realized the man would be lecturing her. "Nothing besides finding out I gave custody to a guy who's letting his underage sister live with her boyfriend."

Sage rolled her eyes and stared at the wall behind the television. "Paul needed a home, you should just be happy Sam threatens him every time he nears my room."

"Thats not the point, Sage." The mans voice raised slightly causing the girl to flinch. Her expression hardened when she noticed his face morphing into pity.

"Then what is, because you surely aren't getting to it." Charlies brows furrowed as he looked at the girl, almost as if she were a clueless child.

"He's giving you two the ability to make stupid, careless mistakes. You're gonna end up pregnant." Sage scoffed as her brows raised.

"I dont know if you realized this, but you also gave us that ability." She took a deep breath and gently shook her head. "Not that you have any right to know this, but we aren't doing anything. I was hoping to stay for dinner, but I think I'm just gonna head home."

As Sage went to stand up Charlie grabbed her wrist causing her to pause as she stared straight ahead. "That boy is violent, Billy used to tell me about all his fights. Hell, I had to break a dew up myself. He has no business being anywhere around you."

Her nostrils flared as she pulled her arm away from him, slamming the front door as she walked out and driving straight to Alison's diner.


ive written the past five chapters in one day, no one speak to me (im going write the next one now so i can write something other than stupid fluff)

On the day im uploading this, i changed a few things. so it may not flow very well, Im too lazy to completely read it and make sure.

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