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Sage woke up estactic. The second Sam walked through her room door she'd be free to escape the cold, bleach scented hospital. She watched as the clock ticked and froze with furrowed brows when Sam walked in with a remorseful expression. The boy looked at her and took a deep breath.

"You're free to leave, but we aren't heading home right this second." Her nose began to scrunch up as her face twisted fully into confusion.

"Why not? Come on Sam you look like someone died." She went to laugh but froze when her older brother flinched lightly. "Who-"

"Harry. He had a heart attack, dont worry, he's stable for now." Sages eyes watered when she caught his whispered ending. She quickly slid on her slippers and grabbed her bags before raising a brow at Sam.

"Lead the way Sherlock." Harry was one of those people who always seemed larger than life, like he would never die. When she moved in with Charlie, Harry had been attempting to make room for her at his home, he and Sue were always there even when she acted as if they didn't exist. He'd always invite the girl over for their cultural holidays, gift her with some of the first seal of the season. He was one of the few who kept her in touch with her culture no matter where she was.

She walked behind Sam, keeping her eyes on her shoes and hid behind the boy once they entered the room. Sage had never let anyone see her cry, and she wasn't going to start now. She took in a deep breath and flashed Harry a wide smile. She blocked out all the faces watching her with baited breaths— after all this was her god father. She moved to stand beside Sue and gently wrapped her in a hug before fully taking in just how small Harry seemed.

She couldn't fathom how the man in front of her was also the same person who dragged everyone out to the woods or into a boat. "Guess I should stay away from that fish fry."

Her eyes glossed as Harry let out a weak laugh and moved his free hand to grab hers. She smiled lightly as she held his hand, gripping it as if letting go meant him dying.  She ignored the glare sent her way by Leah, knowing the older woman hated the idea of laughter while her father was on his death bed. "It all leads back to the fish fry. All that sodium."

Now it was her turn to laugh lightly as she leaned into Sue who had simply wrapped an arm around the girls waist. "Isn't this kinda funny, I'm getting released you're getting a bed. We've really gotta work on timing."

Seth sent her a confused look, and for a second she realized he hadn't been told. Harry let out a pained grunt which caused Sage to somewhat release her hand as her eyes widened in concern. Sage stayed by his side the whole day, rushing around to get him red jello- which they argued over it being the absolute worst, and water. She didn't want Seth, Leah, and Sue to lose a single second with him.

As the moon began the rise, she felt her heart drop into her stomach at the sound of the monitor screaming for help, Her eyes flashed towards the door, taking in the DNR sign and let out a shaky breath as Sam pulled her into his side. Billy grabbed her hand with his eyes closed and they all silently sent up words towards the ancestors, knowing they would take care of Harry as he joined them.

As the nurse turned off the monitor, Sage caught her whispered apology causing her to look straight towards the clearwater family. She listened to their cries, watched as Sue tried to hold it together for Seth and Leah. 

She watched as Sam and Billy left the room, and moved to sit beside Charlie as he comforted Sue. Sage felt utterly helpless, but she knew she wasn't leaving until she absolutely had to.  Once Sam got back from dropping off Billy, She was quick to rejoin his side. Sue quickly asked the two siblings to bring Leah and Seth home, causing the Uley's to nod and begin following the other siblings out to Sam's truck.

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