Jacob had been texting Sage, trying to con her into walking into the bats den for Bella's graduation party, and she honestly found herself debating it. It was a chance to get out of the house, and at the moment she would take absolutely any chance to do so. She already had to go to the graduation, courtesy of Charlie and Billy's insistence, what could a simple party hurt— unless of course it turned to a blood bath.She sat in the backseat of the Billy's truck, bickering with Jacob about his driving abilities as Billy listened the two teens. "Im just saying, Grandma drove quicker than this."
"Not everything has to be treated like a race!"
"Yes it does, slow driving means everyone else on the road hates you. do you like people hating you?" Billy let out a deep sigh.
"Children, enough." His tone held a finality to it that made the teens instantly shut up, though Sage kept staring at the speedometer in annoyance when it barely went over 50. When they finally arrived at the forks high school, Sage couldn't hold back a remark as she stared at Jacob with a smirk.
"Lets hope we didn't miss your girlfriends graduation." She made kissy noises as she grabbed Billy's wheelchair, bringing it to the passenger door for him.
"I regret ever becoming your friend."
"You love me."
"Once again, enough." Billy loved how the two kids often acted like siblings, but the bickering was something he could live without. They quickly met up with Charlie, watching as Billy chased the police chief around before it was the kids turn to intervene.
"Now we're really gonna miss the ceremony."
"Remind me not to invite them to our graduation." Sage and Jacob smiled at each other as they spoke, causing the men to sigh before leading them inside the Gymnasium. Sage watched the ceremony in boredom, and only cheered when Bella's name was called, though she wasn't as enthusiastic as her company. As the ceremony came to an end, the Quileutes were quick to excuse themselves, not really wanting to be in close proximity to the Cullens.
Jacob and Sage spent time at the boys house, before she had to rush home to get ready for the graduation party. She had basically threatened Jacob into letting her drive so she was a key part in him getting there. Sage had elected for a semi-formal green dress and some white sneakers to dress it down, she didn't know the dress code and in her mind over dressed is better than under dressed. She ran the brush through her hair and nodded before grabbing her wallet, bidding her goodbyes to Emily and Sam as she grabbed his truck keys— her car was currently sitting in Jacobs garage waiting for him to repair something on the engine.
She smirked when she spotted Embry, Quil, and Jacob outside the latters house, kicking rocks around as they waited. She pulled to a stop and honked her horn, rolling down the passenger window. "Bry! come be my passenger princess!"
The boy gave her a dramatic twirl, causing her to laugh, before opening the door. Their two other friends hopped in the back seats grumbling about blatant favoritism, before the girl sped off, listening to Jacobs directions as they got closer.
Their arrival wasn't the warmest, causing Sage to call the Cullen's poor hosts as she dragged the boys inside, sticking close to Embry. Sandbox love never fades.
Jacobs dragged the Swan girl away causing the three friends to stand around awkwardly, surrounded by people they dont know. Eventually a random boy approached Sage, his friends cheering for him.
"I haven't seen you around." The girl scoffed as she looked at him with a raised brow, her features flooded with humor. The boy wasn't the ugliest guy alive, but he was far from her type.
"That's quite intentional." The boy smirked, his tiny brain clearly thinking the girl was interested. Quil and Embry watched the two carefully, knowing Sage didn't like intervention unless it was absolutely necessary.
"Why dont we change that." Sage faked a pout as she stared the boy up and down.
"Im not very interested in that offer." The pale boy scoffed, and his eyes finally glanced at the russet skinned boys behind her.
"Your body guards making sure you dont have any fun?"
"If i wanted to have fun, I would've stayed home with my boyfriend." She didn't get to hear the boys remark as Quil and Embry had started guiding her in the same direction Jacob had gone, causing her to huff as she pushed people out her way. Quil stood on Jacobs right side, and Embry put the girl between him and Jacob on the left.
Bella finally spotted the girl and scoffed as she looked at Jacob. "You brought Sage here?"
The girl paused, her voice lowering to a whisper. "She's human!"
Sage rolled her eyes and looked at the high school graduate. "So are you and everyone else in this house. I just so happen to be surrounded by three wolves."
Her voice lowed as she finished speaking, careful not to expose the boys. Bella rolled her eyes and began speaking to Jacob, Sage elected to ignore this conversation, choosing to pull at a loose thread on Embry's shirt that had been bugging her. Her head only perked up when two more vampires appeared and stated that some group was coming to Forks.
"Please don't tell me it's Kiss, I have no money to afford tickets." She let out a soft ow as Jacob elbowed her, and straightened her face when she noticed the vampires plus Bella staring at her. "What, I really like them."
"Sage," Embry went to speak but instead just shook his head, causing her to pout. The pixie cut girl looked at Sage confused for a second before speaking.
"You're not a wolf." Her statement came out as more of a question causing Sage to slowly shake her head no. "You smell like one."
Her brows furrowed as she moved to sniff her dress, only to be stopped by Embry. "They smell Paul."
His whisper met her ears and her lips formed an o shape as she shrugged, signaling for them to start talking again. She listened silently, leaning into Embry as she began to get tired, her eyes locked onto his trembling hand. Her face contorted in slight fear when it was revealed the approaching group was vampires, and she immediately hid it, not wanting to be seen as the weak link.
She stared at Jacob confused as he offered the wolves to help the Cullens fight. Though her confusion was soon replaced with laughter as Bella claimed the pack would be killed. She groaned when they began planning a strategy meeting, knowing that only meant she and Emily would pass out from exhaustion on the couch.
Embry was quick to begin guiding the girl out, Quil clearing a pathway for them, as Jacob fell behind. She wordlessly handed the keys to Embry, muttering how he better not scratch Sams truck, before climbing into the passenger seat, allowing her mind to drift away as Bry closed the door.

Fanfiction𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑖𝑡𝑠 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑎𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑟 𝑑𝑎𝑟𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑠𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑙𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑠 𝑖𝑛 𝑚𝑒.𝑛𝑜,𝑖 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑙𝑑 𝑛𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝑔𝑖𝑣𝑒 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑝𝑒𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝐈𝐍𝐕𝐈𝐒𝐈𝐁𝐋𝐄 𝐒𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐁𝐎𝐎𝐊 𝐎𝐍𝐄