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Valentines day is probably the least romantic day of the year. Its a day that money hungry individuals decided was the most important day to show someone you love them. A day for love thought of by corporations is probably the most ridiculous thing ever done. Many force their partners actions on a random day in February to make or break the relationship, no matter the little things they may do all year long.

Thats why Sage was eager to get home that afternoon, to get away from all the teenagers comparing who got the best flowers or chocolates, or who's partner did the more extravagant thing. She wonders how many have died trying to do an extravagant declaration of love, probably a lot considering wars have been started over it. Just as she was leaving her idiotic school building, her name was called and she turned only to stare at Donovan Bernard holding a small stuffed panda and a heart shaped box of chocolates.

"Auntie Iris put you up this this didn't she." The boy stopped in front of the girl and furrowed his brows.

"no, i just feel like ive seen your every mood, your ugly and your pretty." The boy paused for a second rethinking his words. "Well not your ugly that sounds wrong, your always pretty. Its just— ive seen your bad days and your good. You've just shown so much of yourself lately, i feel like i really know you,ya know? it makes me feel stupid for once being terrified of you and id love to take you out sometime."

Sage just stared incredulously at her fellow sophomore as he shoved the chocolates and panda into her hands before forcing her into a hug she didn't reciprocate. She stared at him confused as he walked away not awaiting her answer, before looking down at the free panda and chocolates only to shrug. She would've kept them anyway after saying no. She walked over to Paul taking note of his angry expression and furrowed her brows and she held out the box of chocolates. "You want some, you look like you've had a rough day... too many girls fawning over you?"

The boy didn't answer her as he instantly entered the passenger seat causing her to make a face before getting in the back seat. "Bry, you want some chocolates?"

"ouu who gave them to you?" The boy quickly took the chocolate from her hand and opened it, setting one in Jareds hand as he reached towards the boy from the drivers seat.

"Donavon, i honestly think that was the weirdest experience of my life. he just, like, word vomited before tossing them in my hands and hugging me. Am i going soft in our peers eyes?"

Embry looked at the girl with widened eyes. "one, please never say peers in a conversation with me again, that word is terrible. and two, a little if Donavon had the guts to walk up to you, he's been terrified of you since you threatened to stab him over the last purple crayon in first grade."

"Okay in my defense my art needed that purple crayon. Purple didn't fit his color scheme."

"We were 6, i dont think anyone in that class knew what a color scheme was but you. and that was only because your grandma was a painter."

"i was raised with excessive knowledge of the arts, he just didn't understand them." Embry laughed at her, causing her to throw the panda at him before laughing as well.

When the finally arrived at Emily's, Paul was still acting weird. Sage elected to ignore his behavior as she gifted Emily with a brand new stuffed panda. She grabbed a muffin before heading up to her room to do homework for the classes she cared about. After finishing two subjects, She tossed her books aside, electing to read a mystery novel instead of doing math and science.

She was two chapters in when her door was pushed opened, causing her to look up at Paul confused as he seemed to just freeze. She quickly slid her pen inside the book marking her spot as she closed it and stood up. "Okay, whats up? you've been acting super weird since school. You didn't have a thing to say in the car and now you just burst—"

While she was busy speaking, Paul had gotten close enough to grab her hips, pulling her closer as he brought his lips down to hers. Sage froze for a second, before allowing her eyes to gently close, she was overly aware of his semi-chapped lips as they blended together with hers. Her arms slowly drapped over his shoulders as he pulled her closer. For a second, she couldnt tell where her face ended and his began. When he suddenly pulled away, she slowly opened her eyes looking at him confused as he just stared at her.

"what—" Before she could finish he turned on his heel and walked out, leaving her staring where he once stood, her book long forgotten. "what the fuck just happened."

Typically her go to person when shes confused is Joy, but that felt a little awkward considering the fact that her and Quil weren't talking. So instead she grabbed her keys and left without a word, heading straight for Tiffany's. When she arrived she tossed the door open and walked straight for the living room, where she spotted the woman staring confused as a movie played on the TV. "Where's the fire?"

"The most confusing thing in the world just happened, And I know you hate hearing about Paul, but I cant go talk to Joy because Quil and I aren't necessarily friends right now." Sage took a deep breathe before staring at the Makah woman. "I just need someone to help me piece this together, I'd tell Emily but I'm not fully convinced she wont immediately tell Sam."

"Okay." Tiffany scooted over and gently patted the empty space beside her. "Come sit. tell me about it."

Sage pretty much tossed herself into the empty space, laying her head on the womans lap and she recounted everything that'd happened, the Donovan situation, Paul ignoring her, the kiss, and him leaving without saying a word.

"Like i get that means he probably likes me and was Jealous, but why leave without saying anything? Thats just so weird." When Sage finished talking the front door opened and Embry soon showed himself. "Get out, we're having girl talk and you're not invited. go for a run or something you mongrel."

Embry looked at the girl and feigned offense before walking out the door and following her advice for a run. Sage spent her night just like this, listening to Tiffany's every word before she fell asleep on the sofa,

willow speaks!!

this is the first kiss scene ive ever written considering the fact that i tend to abandon stories after writing 3 chapters. it's probably shit but it finally happened!!

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