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Sage and Paul ignored the kiss, it was almost as if it never happened. Sage had thought about it constantly, what exactly it could mean, and then the fear of why he didn't want to talk about it. Sage went along his ignorance, scared that bringing it up would cause him to flee. Everything about their relationship was business as usual.

Friday night the teenagers could be found sprawled around the living room, Sage laying on the sofa with her legs across Paul's lap, and Embry and Jared sprawled on the floor as the girl forced them to watch The Land Before Time, a cult classic children's movie. Jared and Embry characteristically sobbed, at both the right and wrong times. When suddenly the landline began ringing. Sage groaned as she paused the movie, stepping over Embry and Jared as she approached the phone.

"hello?" her brows furrowed when Billy's voice filled her ears, asking to speak to Sam before suddenly it clicked. She turned to Paul quickly, holding the phone away from her ear. "Go get Sam. I think its Jacob."

Paul's eyes widened as he rushed up the stairs, Sage once again put the phone up to her ear. "Has he shifted yet or is it still a waiting game?"

Embry listened carefully as the girl and Billy spoke taking in every word he heard. When Sam rushed down the stairs the girl was hanging up the phone. she turned towards her brother and the other three boys and raised her brow. "What are you waiting for, go. Billy said it was about to happen."

As the boys rushed out the door, Sage cleaned up the living room before going up to Sam's room, opening the door to a confused, half-asleep Emily. "what happened?"

"Jacob. move over." Sage laid next to Emily staring at the ceiling.

When Sage woke up the next morning, she had a moment of panic, having forgot she went lay with Emily once the boys left. When her surroundings registered she let out a deep breath before dragging herself to her room to get ready.

When she walked downstairs the boys where just getting in. "rough night partying?"

"fuck off i only got 30 minutes of sleep before he decided he had to shift."

"at least you got sleep man"

"we're still running off fumes from thursday."

"i say, we all just stop talking and sleep." Paul stood beside Sage as he spoke, but once the last word left his mouth he gently kissed her temple before walking towards the spare room with Embry and Jared. Sam was already halfway up the stairs when it happened, causing Emily to be the only witness.

"What was that?" Sage looked at the older girl with a slightly scrunched face.

"I have absolutely no clue. He's been making so sense lately." Emily walked over to the table and set down two cups of coffee, causing Sage to immediately take a seat.

"wait, so whats been going on?"

"You remember how he was ignoring me the other afternoon?" Emily nodded as she raised her mug to her lips. "Well, that evening he came into my room, didn't even knock, and just kissed me. Then he decides to leave my room without saying a single word."

"ugh, your brother was the same way."

"okay ew, we're talking about me. you obviously saw that we're ignoring it, but then he goes and does that? im just so confused. the least he could do is talk to me. you know? I have no clue whats going on or if this is just our new normal, not a single clue. it's driving me insane."

"why dont you talk to him?"

"I've never initiated the conversation and i never will, he just has to man up." Emily snorted and the kitchen timer went off. "do i smell cinnamon rolls?"

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