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Sage paused the second she walked into school. Everyone had stopped what they were doing to stare, she glanced at all the faces and her body calmed when her eyes met with Paul's. Their eyes stayed connected until Jacob, Quil, and Embry approached her, Embrys arm was thrown over her shoulder causing her to jump.

"Suddenly you're famous GiGi."

"Does that make us famous by association?" The girl just stared at Embry and Quil, ignoring Jacobs eyes on her.

"You're so not funny. Why has this not stopped yet? seriously it's January now, its been months." Embry just shrugged as he removed his arm, and dragged the girl to their lockers.

"So i think today im gonna ask Eliza out." Sage scrunched up her face and glanced down the hall, where Eliza stood flirting with Paul. Sage ignored the ping in her chest and looked back to her locker.

"I wouldn't, she seems pretty into Paul." Sage heard Embry curse under his breath and laughed lightly. "Do you have English first?"

Embry looked at the schedule hung up inside his locker before nodding. "Great, lets go."

Sage grabbed the boys arm and dragged him to their first class. When lunch finally came, Sage was ready to drop dead. When she entered the cafeteria she realized she had a decision to make. Paul, Jared, and Kim were smiling at her with an obviously open seat, while Quil was already setting some cut fruit in front her normal seat. She gently shook her head at the trio before walking to her usual seat. "I dont get why anyone though it was a good idea to add the alphabet into math."

"Felt that." Embry and the girl shared a high five over her words, before they began eating. Sage once again felt Jacob's eyes on her and sighed as she looked at him.

"What is it J? you've been staring at me pretty much all day."

"its nothing." Jacob looked down at his lunch tray as he spoke.

"Just tell me, because the staring is getting annoying."

"When did you and Paul get back together?" Embry and Quil both paused and looked between the two before glancing at Paul who kept glancing over at Sage.

"We aren't back together, we're friends because he's always at my brothers." Jacob just hummed.

"Thats not what it looked like this morning." Sage just scoffed before grabbing her bowl of fruit and walking over to Paul's table.

"Move your bag asshat." Paul looked at her confused before moving his bag to a different seat.

"I thought you were sitting with Embry and them?"

"Jacob pissed me off." Jared laughed lightly.

"What'd he do?"

"assumed shit, and when I told him he was wrong, he decided I was the wrong one. and stop playing dumb I know you most likely heard." Sage stabbed a piece of cantaloupe with her fork and glanced at Kim. "cute necklace."

Kim smiled widely as she thanked the girl which was met with a soft hum.

"Whats Em making for dinner?" The three laughed before shrugging at Sage's question.

After school Sage found herself in Embry's room ranting about Jacob, which Embry himself seemed to be getting extremely worked up over. Sage let out an agitated groan when her phone went off and hurriedly picked it up to see a text from Sam, she quickly answered before tossing it on Embrys bed and looking at the boy. "Dude you look sick."

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