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TW: suicidal thoughts/ heavy drinking

It had been three weeks since anyone had heard from or seen Sage. All of Forks and the La Push reservation have been tirelessly searching, hoping for any sign of life.

It had been three weeks since the girl sent her brother a simple im sorry text, for seemingly no reason. It had been three weeks of radio silence from the troubled teenager. Four eyes watch as Sam and Paul pace a hole in the living room floor. To the three wolves its as if her scent doesn't exist, none of them can find it. Almost as if Sage were a ghost. The Elders pile into Sam's home, hoping for a lead, no matter how small, but instead they're met with terrified eyes.

Which leads us to a cliffside, where the small girl sits with a bottle of whiskey in her hand, and scattered bottles lay around her, her body dangerously close to a 30 foot drop. There would be no witnesses, and if theres no witnesses— does that mean theres no crime? Headlights shine as cars pass on the other side of the trees, If she were to toss herself over the edge, would anybody notice? Her phone was turned off, lost in a random city— no one had any way of tracking her. Her body is covered in bruises and wounds, her eyes bloodshot. Sage doesn't even know where she is, All she knows is she woke up one night and when she came to her senses she was here. So with the alcohol in her system reminding her shes alive, she slowly stands up, and unleashes a scream shes kept in for three weeks before her world goes dark.

When her eyes finally open, she fights the urge to go back to sleep. She releases a deep sigh before wandering along the road, hoping she finds a town. She doesn't know how long she walks, but her efforts prove to not be in vain as she stumbles upon city. she smiles lightly when she spots a department store, and immediately picks up the pace. Once the blonde reaches the customer service desk she immediately taps the bell impatiently. "hello? i need to use your phone."

After a few seconds of waiting she still doesn't hear footsteps. "motherfucker."
her palm meets the irritating bell once more. "Im not gonna stop until someone gives me a phone to call home."

Eventually a blue eyed woman walks over and slides the bell away from the girl. "Sweetheart, you look like you've been through hell. Where are your parents."

"My mom abandoned me when i was born and my dads probably in jail. now where am i and can i use your phone." Sage stares down the older woman, as she holds her hand out expectantly. The older woman sighs glances at her outfit.

"You're in Portland. Im gonna go find you some clothes." the older lady hands Sage the phone before walking off.

"how the fuck?" Sage lightly shakes her head before quickly dialing Charlies number. Each passing ring pisses the young girl off more and more. Right before the phone goes to voicemail, Charlie's voice enters her ears. "Charlie! Its me, Sage. Look, Im in Portland—"

His voice immediately cuts her off. "—Yes, Oregon! where else? Im currently in a Khols. Can you please come get me?"

She listens as he says he'll send a friend to pick her up while he drives there. "I dont wanna hang out with some stranger."

His voice once again silences her, and she sighs. "Fine, but hurry."

She hangs up the phone as the lady walks over. "Got ahold of your guardians?"

"Yea he's sending someone to come get me while he drives over from Forks."


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