Chapter 1

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I wrote these so long ago and I just wanna say for the hundredth time that this story may come off as immature or over dramatic / overly sexual because I thought if you just threw drama and sex together things would work out but nOt rEaLLy idk I just wanted to note that before you started reading just in case some stuff is over sexualized or if the drama is just crazy to you but enjoy :)

(Also the beginning of this story is super super messy bc I wrote this a while ago and didn't really care too much at the time)

PS. this book is very smutty as I said above- so if you'd like a slower and more chill book loll read my new book diner ;) gotta get the self promo

-Mackenzie's POV-

Today is my first night staying at my college, UCLA, and I couldn't be more excited. Well scared. I couldn't be more scared. I'm scared to see if I'll like my roommate, if people will like me, the teachers, every possible flaw is running through my mind. I'm trying to come up with solutions to fix every little problem that could possibly happen. I tend to do that when I'm nervous.

I lived in Hollywood before this, but it is just too fast for me. That's why I came here to L.A. It's fast, but not too fast. There isn't much of a difference, but Hollywood is filled with paps.

I park my car in the parking spot closest to the dorm building. I open my door and shut it behind me. I walk to my trunk opening it up to grab my two suitcases. I slam my trunk closed and lock my car before walking towards the double doors.

Another problem is at this school they don't separate dorms. I could have a room right next to or even with a guy. I shudder at the thought and with all my power I open the doors. In the small center area there's a small desk and women sitting behind it.

"What's your name?" The woman asks as I walk up to her.

"Mackenzie Russo." I reply.

She looks through a clipboard until finding my name.

"Room 203. I hope you enjoy it here." she smiles, handing me a key.

I nod and walk down the halls searching for the number. I finally reach it at the end of the long hallway and I put the key in and turn it. I see a boy with curly hair lying on one of the beds watching TV.

You've got to be fucking kidding me. I have a guy as a roommate. I look back at the door and double check if it says 203. And it does.

He turns to me and his green eyes go wide and his face turns sour.

"You're my roommate?" He asks slowly.

I nod in defeat, walking over to the free bed and setting my suitcase down on the mattress.

"Fuck," he mutters under his breath.

"I'm still in the room you know," I mumble, zipping open my suitcase and opening my closet.

I plan to unpack all of my clothes right now and everything else. It's obvious what side of the room is his. His side has all of his shit splattered everywhere. As long as he doesn't mess with mine I'm fine.

I'm trying to make the most of this ironic and awful situation, honestly. I'm moving in with a pig who's probably rude. I can't afford an apartment, and I've been through worse.. I'm not letting this set me back.

It's 8 o'clock so I decide I'm unpacking the rest of my stuff tomorrow. At least it's a good room: TV, microwave, fridge, two desks, and a bathroom (thank god). Dorms don't get better than that. Aside from how cold it is. I take an oversized purple sweater, pink fuzzy pajama pants, and my toiletries, and walk over to the bathroom shutting the door behind me. I change quickly and put my toiletries away in the free drawer. I brush my teeth, put my hair in a top knot, and take off my makeup before walking back into the room.

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